也许我想知道如何在Checkout页面上只显示最终的运送选择 .

这里's some background: I'm试图简化结账流程 . 我想只在购物车页面上选择送货方式 . 如果是本地提货,则会在订单备注下显示条件字段以选择其提货地点 . 但是,当您在Chekcout页面上进行最终订单审核时,Woo会让您重新选择您的运输选项,这样可以解决问题 . 我基本上只想回应他们的选择和运费价格,不要让他们改变选择,除非他们回到购物车页面 .

所以我查看了woocommerce / templates / checkout / review-order.php,并在购物车上调用以便像这样调用Shipping选项:

<?php wc_cart_totals_shipping_html(); ?>


function wc_cart_totals_shipping_html() {
$packages = WC()->shipping->get_packages();
$first    = true;

foreach ( $packages as $i => $package ) {
$chosen_method = isset( WC()->session->chosen_shipping_methods[ $i ] ) ? WC()->session->chosen_shipping_methods[ $i ] : '';
$product_names = array();

if ( sizeof( $packages ) > 1 ) {
  foreach ( $package['contents'] as $item_id => $values ) {
    $product_names[ $item_id ] = $values['data']->get_name() . ' &times;' . $values['quantity'];
  $product_names = apply_filters( 'woocommerce_shipping_package_details_array', $product_names, $package );

wc_get_template( 'cart/cart-shipping.php', array(
  'package'                  => $package,
  'available_methods'        => $package['rates'],
  'show_package_details'     => sizeof( $packages ) > 1,
  'show_shipping_calculator' => is_cart() && $first,
  'package_details'          => implode( ', ', $product_names ),
  // @codingStandardsIgnoreStart
  'package_name'             => apply_filters( 'woocommerce_shipping_package_name', sprintf( _nx( 'Shipping', 'Shipping %d', ( $i + 1 ), 'shipping packages', 'woocommerce' ), ( $i + 1 ) ), $i, $package ),
  // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd
  'index'                    => $i,
  'chosen_method'            => $chosen_method,
) );

$first = false;

现在,我也查看了woocommerce / includes / class-wc-checkout.php并发现了这个:

 * Add shipping lines to the order.
 * @param WC_Order $order                   Order Instance.
 * @param array    $chosen_shipping_methods Chosen shipping methods.
 * @param array    $packages                Packages.
public function create_order_shipping_lines( &$order, $chosen_shipping_methods, $packages ) {
    foreach ( $packages as $package_key => $package ) {
        if ( isset( $chosen_shipping_methods[ $package_key ], $package['rates'][ $chosen_shipping_methods[ $package_key ] ] ) ) {
            $shipping_rate            = $package['rates'][ $chosen_shipping_methods[ $package_key ] ];
            $item                     = new WC_Order_Item_Shipping();
            $item->legacy_package_key = $package_key; // @deprecated For legacy actions.
                    'method_title' => $shipping_rate->label,
                    'method_id'    => $shipping_rate->method_id,
                    'instance_id'  => $shipping_rate->instance_id,
                    'total'        => wc_format_decimal( $shipping_rate->cost ),
                    'taxes'        => array(
                        'total' => $shipping_rate->taxes,
            foreach ( $shipping_rate->get_meta_data() as $key => $value ) {
                $item->add_meta_data( $key, $value, true );
             * Action hook to adjust item before save.
             * @since 3.0.0
            do_action( 'woocommerce_checkout_create_order_shipping_item', $item, $package_key, $package, $order );
            // Add item to order and save.
            $order->add_item( $item );

我觉得最后一个代码末尾的动作钩子会让我在那里,但我无法弄清楚哪个功能要乱用或者我可以用它来替换它 .