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Subclassing AbstractCouchbaseEventListener事件问题


我正在探索子类化 AbstractCouchbaseEventListener 的选项,以包括自定义文档/实体生命周期操作 . 我对Spring很新,所以我意识到这可能是一种次优的方法(如果是,那么Spring的方式会更好或更常见?) .

目前,我正在考虑为实体保存/删除时设置/删除参考文档 . 对于"reference document"目前的用途,我的意思是将特定实体类唯一键值映射到包含它的文档的文档:如果 User.username 是"billyTheKid"且 User.id 是12345,则文档 User:by:username:12345 包含12345,因此用作指向用户文档的指针 .

我目前的方法是有一个接口 ReferenceDocumentOwner ,可以由任何想要存储引用文档的实体类实现:

public interface ReferenceDocumentOwner<T, R> extends BasicDocument {

    Store the existing (stored) version of the entity.  This is called in onBeforeSave()
    to populate the about-to-be saved instance with its stored version.  This previous
    version can be used to determine the fields and values to populate the returns of
    getDeleteRefDocMap() and getStoreRefDocMap().
    public void storePreviousRecord(T recorded);

    public Class<R> getRepositoryClass();

    For values that used to be non-empty but are now empty.  For example, if the 
    concrete implementation of this interface was User.class and this method returned:

        electricServiceId => 12345,
        garbageServiceId => AKIE3423

    The reference documents {@code User:by:electricServiceId:12345} and 
    {@code User:by:garbageServiceId:AKIE3423} would be deleted in onAfterSave().
    public Map<String, Object> getDeleteRefDocMap ();

    For values that are non-empty. For example, if the concrete implementation of this
    interface was User.class and this method returned:

        email => someEmailValue,
        garbageServiceId => AKIE3423,
        username => billyTheKid

    The reference documents {@code User:by:email:someEmailValue},
    {@code User:by:garbageServiceId:AKIE3423}, and {@code User:by:username:billyTheKid}
    would be stored pointing to the User instance's {@code id} in onAfterSave().
    public Map<String, Object> getStoreRefDocMap ();

BasicDocument 这里只是另一个定义 getId()setId() 的简单接口 . )

我有一个 ReferenceDocumentOwnerSaveDeleteEventListener extends AbstractCouchbaseEventListener<ReferenceDocumentOwner> 实现来管理所有这些 . 我知道onBeforeSave()和onAfterSave()之间存在潜在的竞争条件,并且为了这次探索的目的,一旦存储了这些参考文档,删除它们的"owning"文档时没有简单的方法来删除它们 . onBeforeDelete()/ onAfterDelete()方法只接收 CouchbaseDocument ,而不是源对象 .




另一个问题是 onBeforeDelete()onAfterDelete() 被传递 null 而不是被删除的文件,即使 repository.delete() 操作成功 .

1 回答

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    进一步深入到couchbase事件代码中,看起来删除相关事件对象永远不会有CouchbaseDocument,因为它们是使用源对象创建的,但是使用 null document参数调用它们的超类 CouchbaseMappingEvent 构造函数 . 我发布了pull request that fixes this .
