我想在推送segue期间将导航栏从半透明更改为透明与动画,但它立即变得透明 .


func setNavigationBarTransparent(transparent:Bool, animated:Bool) {

    // If current state of navigation bar is desired state then abort
    if barIsTransparent == transparent { return }

    // Reset transparency status
    barIsTransparent = transparent

    // Define transparency
    let image: UIImage? = transparent ? UIImage() : nil

    // Define animation
    let duration: NSTimeInterval = animated ? 0.3 : 0.0

    // Style navigation bar
        animations: {
            self.navigationBar.setBackgroundImage(image, forBarMetrics: UIBarMetrics.Default)
            self.navigationBar.shadowImage = image

我在目标视图控制器的 viewWillAppear 中调用 setNavigationBarTransparent(true, animated: true) . 只要导航栏没有背景图像,条形透明度的转换在segue期间是平滑的,即它背后没有其它视图,因为它是半透明的 . 当我向上滚动集合视图以便在半透明导航栏后面有一个图像时,透明度突然发生,持续时间为零 .


Update: 刚看到在反向segue期间,条形实际上没有改变它's image from transparent to translucent but the frame slides in from above. So it would be sufficient for the bar'框架在"translucent to transparent" segue期间滑出到上方 .