我有这个Crystal Reports pdf导出 . 这有多个页面,每个页面都是一个候选页面 . 我需要从每个页面将此报告破解为单个pdf . 在该页面上有两个字段(候选和名称),它们是新pdf文件名的一部分 . 如何从pdf中获取字段值 . 字段列表为空,count为零 . 更清楚:文件名必须从每个页面上两个字段的字段值中删除 .

Using reader As PdfReader = New PdfReader(report.ExportToStream(ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat)) ', filename)) 'pdfTemplatePath)
        Dim copy As PdfCopy
        Dim kandidaatnummer As String
        Dim naam As String
        For i As Integer = 1 To reader.NumberOfPages
            ' Filter the dataset for the candidate.
            dataSet.Tables("ReportData").DefaultView.RowFilter = String.Format("Kandidaatnummer = '{0}'", processedCandidates(i - 1))
            ' Create a new dataset for the candidate.
            Dim ds As New DataSet()
            Dim d1 As Document = New Document()

            Dim newFilename As String = String.Format("{0}{1}", tempFolder, FileNameHelper.GetFileName(ds.Tables("ReportData"), "pdf", "DeelRapportage", ReportType.DeelrapportageSubrapporten))
            copy = New PdfSmartCopy(CType(d1, Document), New FileStream(newFilename, FileMode.Create))
            copy.AddPage(copy.GetImportedPage(reader, i)) ' reader.NumberOfPages - i + 1))

    End Using