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If you want to know how to use 32feet.NET library to communicate with bluetooth devices, read the solution

我目前正试图通过蓝牙在计算机和自建的.NET Gadgeteer原型之间进行通信 .

Gadgeteer原型包括主板,电源和蓝牙模块 . 模块处于可发现模式 .

在计算机上运行基于32feet .NET蓝牙的自定义蓝牙程序 . 程序检测范围内的所有蓝牙设备并尝试与它们配对 . 但是,目前还没有自动完成,我必须输入设备的配对代码 .

How can I pair devices without entering the pairing code?

找到设备,问题是配对部分 . 我做了很多实验,但没有找到解决方案......

foreach (BluetoothDeviceInfo device in this.deviceList)
        //BluetoothClient client = new BluetoothClient(this.CreateNewEndpoint(localAddress));
        //BluetoothEndPoint ep = this.CreateNewEndpoint(device.DeviceAddress);

        EventHandler<BluetoothWin32AuthenticationEventArgs> handler = new EventHandler<BluetoothWin32AuthenticationEventArgs>(HandleRequests);
        BluetoothWin32Authentication auth = new BluetoothWin32Authentication(handler);

        BluetoothSecurity.PairRequest(device.DeviceAddress, null);

此代码块启动配对并且它可以工作,但Windows要求我输入设备的配对代码 . 我读到了关于BluetoothWin32Authentication以防止这种情况,但我没有把它弄好 .

private void HandleRequests(object that, BluetoothWin32AuthenticationEventArgs e)
    e.Confirm = true;


如果您只是想让SSP设备连接时允许配对继续,那么处理回调和设置e.Confirm = True就足够了 - 但这有点不安全......

我很困惑-.-目标是应用程序和gadgeteer模块可以在没有任何用户干扰的情况下向两个方向发送数据 .

Is it true that I can't pair devices automatically without user interaction?

Is it true that if two device were already paired they can exchange data without user interaction?

1 回答

  • 39

    我想出了如何解决我的问题,而且我对蓝牙连接的了解现在有点大了 . 如果其他人有问题,我提供我的解决方案 . 代码示例代表具有32英尺蓝牙库的蓝牙控制器的C#实现 .


    这意味着检测到范围内的设备 . 我的代码:

    // mac is mac address of local bluetooth device
    BluetoothEndPoint localEndpoint = new BluetoothEndPoint(mac, BluetoothService.SerialPort);
    // client is used to manage connections
    BluetoothClient localClient = new BluetoothClient(localEndpoint);
    // component is used to manage device discovery
    BluetoothComponent localComponent = new BluetoothComponent(localClient);
    // async methods, can be done synchronously too
    localComponent.DiscoverDevicesAsync(255, true, true, true, true, null);
    localComponent.DiscoverDevicesProgress += new EventHandler<DiscoverDevicesEventArgs>(component_DiscoverDevicesProgress);
    localComponent.DiscoverDevicesComplete += new EventHandler<DiscoverDevicesEventArgs>(component_DiscoverDevicesComplete);
    private void component_DiscoverDevicesProgress(object sender, DiscoverDevicesEventArgs e)
        // log and save all found devices
        for (int i = 0; i < e.Devices.Length; i++)
            if (e.Devices[i].Remembered)
                Print(e.Devices[i].DeviceName + " (" + e.Devices[i].DeviceAddress + "): Device is known");
                Print(e.Devices[i].DeviceName + " (" + e.Devices[i].DeviceAddress + "): Device is unknown");
    private void component_DiscoverDevicesComplete(object sender, DiscoverDevicesEventArgs e)
        // log some stuff


    这意味着设备与本地蓝牙设备耦合 . 这需要通过输入双方的代码来完成一次 . 可以通过代码完成,这样用户甚至不会注意到已添加设备 . 我的代码用于此目的:

    // get a list of all paired devices
    BluetoothDeviceInfo[] paired = localClient.DiscoverDevices(255, false, true, false, false);
    // check every discovered device if it is already paired 
    foreach (BluetoothDeviceInfo device in this.deviceList)
        bool isPaired = false;
        for (int i = 0; i < paired.Length; i++)
            if (device.Equals(paired[i]))
                isPaired = true;
        // if the device is not paired, pair it!
        if (!isPaired)
            // replace DEVICE_PIN here, synchronous method, but fast
            isPaired = BluetoothSecurity.PairRequest(device.DeviceAddress, DEVICE_PIN);
            if (isPaired)
                // now it is paired
                // pairing failed


    这意味着 Build 连接和交换数据 . 再一些代码:

    // check if device is paired
    if (device.Authenticated)
        // set pin of device to connect with
        // async connection method
        localClient.BeginConnect(device.DeviceAddress, BluetoothService.SerialPort, new AsyncCallback(Connect), device);
    // callback
    private void Connect(IAsyncResult result)
        if (result.IsCompleted)
            // client is connected now :)

    如果您保持订单扫描,配对,连接,一切都应该正常工作 . 要发送或接收数据,请使用 BluetoothClientGetStream() 方法 . 它提供了可以操作的网络流 .

    Receiving a connection

    如果您希望其他设备与您的设备连接,则需要侦听传入的连接请求 . 这仅适用于之前已配对的设备 . 我的代码:

    BluetoothListener l = new BluetoothListener(LOCAL_MAC, BluetoothService.SerialPort);
    l.BeginAcceptBluetoothClient(new AsyncCallback(AcceptConnection), l);
    void AcceptConnection(IAsyncResult result){
        if (result.IsCompleted){
            BluetoothClient remoteDevice = ((BluetoothListener)result.AsyncState).EndAcceptBluetoothClient(result);    

    LOCAL_MAC 替换为有效的BluetoothAddress(例如,使用 BluetoothAddress.Parse(); ) . 设备连接后,它们可以通过底层流交换消息 . 如果连接不起作用,则可能存在身份验证问题,因此请尝试在侦听器中设置本地设备引脚( l.SetPin(LOCAL_MAC, MY_PASSWORD);
