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如何在我的代码中使用DataTable中的foreach DataRow获得高性能?


我从Oracle DB获得了一个数据表( ora_dt ),现在我需要在 ora_dt 中添加一个列( colu_sql ),但是我必须从某些Sqlserver数据库中获取 colu_sql 的值 .


public void ProcessDataTable(DataSet _ds)
    _ds.Tables[0].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Descpition", typeof(string)));

    int countryId = -1;
    string des_ID = string.Empty;
    string geo = string.Empty;

    foreach (DataRow row in _ds.Tables[0].Rows)
        if (row["des_ID"] != DBNull.Value)
            des_ID = row["des_ID"].ToString();

        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(des_ID))
            if (countryId == 12 || countryId == 13)
                geo = "NA";
            else if ((countryId == 10 || countryId == 11))
                geo = "LA";
                geo = "EMEA";
            row["Descpition"] = GetDes(geo, des_ID);
        else { row["ExemptionDes"] = string.Empty; }

对于每个DataRow,为了获得行["Descpition"]值,我必须检查它的 geodes_id ,并从另一个SqlserverDB中选择它们 .

如果DataTable中的行计数非常大,那么当我使用DataTable时,我必须多次访问sqlserver db,这会使性能变差,

实际上我无法在Oracle.how中添加新的列描述在我的代码中使用DataTable中的foreach DataRow时可以获得高性能吗?


private string GetDes(string geo, string des_ID)
    string description = string.Empty;
    string query = "select description from geo_exemption  where des_ID= " + des_ID;
    Database DbSQL = DbSQLFactory.CreateDatabase(geo);
    using (DataReader dr = DbSQL.ExecuteReader(sqlCmd))
        while (dr.Read())
            if (dr["description"] != null)
                description = dr["description"].ToString();
    return description;

1 回答

  • 1

    我的建议是一次性在一个数据表中从 geo_exemption 获取 descriptiondes_ID 的所有记录,然后使用LINQ根据des_ID过滤掉记录 . 这样,您只需要访问一次数据库 . 休息所有操作都将在asp.net端进行 .


    public void ProcessDataTable(DataSet _ds)
        if (Session["GeoExpAllRec"] == null)
            //Fetch all records here and add it to a datatable i.e. "select des_ID, description from geo_exemption"
            //Then Add the datatable to the session variable Session["GeoExpAllRec"]
        _ds.Tables[0].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Descpition", typeof(string)));
        int countryId = -1;
        string des_ID = string.Empty;
        string geo = string.Empty;
        foreach (DataRow row in _ds.Tables[0].Rows)
            if (row["des_ID"] != DBNull.Value)
                des_ID = row["des_ID"].ToString();
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(des_ID))
                if (countryId == 12 || countryId == 13)
                    geo = "NA";
                else if ((countryId == 10 || countryId == 11))
                    geo = "LA";
                    geo = "EMEA";
                //Instead of calling "GetDes" function which will hit the database
                //Type-cast the session variable Session["GeoExpAllRec"] to datatable i.e. (Session["GeoExpAllRec"] as DataTable)
                //Fire a LINQ query on the datatable to get the desired Description like below
                //row["Descpition"] = GetDes(geo, des_ID);
                DataTable dt = (Session["GeoExpAllRec"] as DataTable);
                row["Descpition"] = dt.AsEnumerable().Where(r => r.Field<string>("des_ID") == des_ID).First()["description"];
            else { row["ExemptionDes"] = string.Empty; }

    希望这可以帮助 .
