我有一个具有多个表单组(formGroupName)和控件的反应(模型驱动)角形式 . 此表单上的表单字段由关联TypeScript文件中的FormBuilder控制和填充 .

I have a text field on this form that I'm using to collect a date from the user. I wanted to associate an Angular Material datepicker on this field but as soon as I add a "formControlName" attribute to this input field, I get the error:

错误:多个自定义值访问器将表单控件与路径匹配:' -> '

我不能使用ngModel(切换到模板驱动的表单),因为此表单上的其他内容都是模型驱动的,并且此控件位于formGroupName块中 . 我确实尝试在这里放置一个ngModel,看看会发生什么,Angular抱怨我不能在这里混合一个ngModel .

How can I data-bind this field (set the initial value for this field on the TypeScript side) and then get any changes made by the user on the template/view when the form is submitted while using Angular Material's datepicker? If Angular Material's date picker doesn't support Model-driven forms, I'm willing to use another date-picker that supports this feature.


this.form = this.fb.group({
        step1: this.fb.group({
            representative: [null],
            visitDate: [new Date()],
            category: ["Retail Store Visit"],
            contactType: ["Store Visit"],
            goPakStore: [null],
            goPakLocation: [null],
            eventType: ["Outreach"],
            eventDescription: [null],
            servicePlaza: [null],
            inventoryLocation: [null]
        step2: this.fb.group({
            inventoryItemLocation: [null],
            quantityAvailable: [null],
            quantityDistributed: [null],


<form [formGroup]="form" (ngSubmit)="onSubmit(form.value)" novalidate>
<md-card class="users-listing" formGroupName="step1">
            <md-input-container style="width:98%;">
                <input mdInput placeholder="Visit Date" [mdDatepicker]="visitDatePicker" formControlName="visitDate" required trim maxlength="10">
                <button mdSuffix [mdDatepickerToggle]="visitDatePicker"></button>
            <md-datepicker #visitDatePicker></md-datepicker>