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symfony 3.4设置prod环境


我将symfony 2.8升级到3.4

升级后上传到mydomain.com的 生产环境 服务器?我检查模式,它的开发没有刺激 .


# Use the front controller as index file. It serves as fallback solution when
# every other rewrite/redirect fails (e.g. in an aliased environment without
# mod_rewrite). Additionally, this reduces the matching process for the
# startpage (path "/") because otherwise Apache will apply the rewritting rules
# to each configured DirectoryIndex file (e.g. index.php, index.html, index.pl).
DirectoryIndex app.php

AddType application/x-httpd-php .php5 .phar

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On

    RewriteBase /

    RewriteRule ^web/(.+)$ /$1 [L,NC]

    # Determine the RewriteBase automatically and set it as environment variable.
    # If you are using Apache aliases to do mass virtual hosting or installed the
    # project in a subdirectory, the base path will be prepended to allow proper
    # resolution of the app.php file and to redirect to the correct URI. It will
    # work in environments without path prefix as well, providing a safe, one-size
    # fits all solution. But as you do not need it in this case, you can comment
    # the following 2 lines to eliminate the overhead.
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI}::$1 ^(/.+)/(.*)::\2$
    RewriteRule ^(.*) - [E=BASE:%1]

    # Redirect to URI without front controller to prevent duplicate content
    # (with and without `/app.php`). Only do this redirect on the initial
    # rewrite by Apache and not on subsequent cycles. Otherwise we would get an
    # endless redirect loop (request -> rewrite to front controller ->
    # redirect -> request -> ...).
    # So in case you get a "too many redirects" error or you always get redirected
    # to the startpage because your Apache does not expose the REDIRECT_STATUS
    # environment variable, you have 2 choices:
    # - disable this feature by commenting the following 2 lines or
    # - use Apache >= 2.3.9 and replace all L flags by END flags and remove the
    #   following RewriteCond (best solution)
    RewriteCond %{ENV:REDIRECT_STATUS} ^$
    RewriteRule ^app\.php(/(.*)|$) %{ENV:BASE}/$2 [R=301,L]

    # If the requested filename exists, simply serve it.
    # We only want to let Apache serve files and not directories.
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f
    RewriteRule .? - [L]

    # Rewrite all other queries to the front controller.
    RewriteRule .? %{ENV:BASE}/app.php [L]

<IfModule !mod_rewrite.c>
    <IfModule mod_alias.c>
        # When mod_rewrite is not available, we instruct a temporary redirect of
        # the startpage to the front controller explicitly so that the website
        # and the generated links can still be used.
        RedirectMatch 302 ^/$ /app.php/
        # RedirectTemp cannot be used instead

这是apapche vhost

<VirtualHost *:8080>
  DocumentRoot "/home/app/symfony"
  ServerName app.com
  ServerAlias  www.app.com
  <Directory "/home/app/symfony">
    allow from all
    Options +Indexes
    AllowOverride All
    Require all granted

我从所有选项索引中添加SetEnv SYMFONY_ENV prod allow AllowOverride All要求全部授予

但仍然在mydomain.com/看到开发 - 如何切换到prod?


Symfony配置3.4.8 Symfony版本应用程序名称dev环境

请求 Headers :APP_ENV“prod”



rm -rf var / cache / *; rm -rf var / logs / * php bin / console cache:clear --no-warmup --env = prod php bin / console cache:clear --no-warmup --env = dev

ok找到解决方案 - 简单错误 - apache vhost设置为symfony / not symfony / web / - 如果我更改为web它工作 .

1 回答

  • 0

    尝试安装 composer require symfony/dotenv 然后在 生产环境 服务器上运行 composer install --no-dev --optimize-autoloaderphp bin/console cache:clear --env=prod --no-debug .
