UML Diagram

我发布了一个UML图,其中包含一个赋值,用于解码给定电阻的色带,并返回一个返回欧姆电阻的字符串及其容差 .

我在继承层次结构上有点挣扎,在教授的问题描述中,LookupTable类是一个带有抽象get()方法的抽象类 . NumberLookup和ToleranceLookup类扩展了LookupTable类,MultiplierLookup类扩展了NumberLookup类 .

我想我最难理解的是MultiplierLookup类是否应该扩展LookupTable类或NumberLookup类 .

Here is the specific problem description:

ResistorDecoder对象将是Program.java用于将颜色数组转换为人性化字符串的对象 . ResistorDecoder将需要几种不同类型的查找表,具体取决于我们是从颜色还是数值查找字符串 . LookupTable对象是一个抽象类,因为它包含一个抽象方法get() . ToleranceLookup对象采用颜色并返回一个字符串,即字符串(例如±5%) . NumberLookup对象采用颜色并且可以返回String但它也可以返回Double . 由于我们正在扩展LookupTable对象(它之前无法返回double),因此我们需要从LookupTable对象继承 . MultiplierLookup对象的工作方式与NumberLookup对象类似,但内部查找表不同 . 因此,即使我们不需要添加任何方法,我们也需要继承NumberLookup表 . 提示:你能否使用MultiplierLookup使用NumberLookup的getDouble行为来简化其责任?


 * abstract class with abstract method get()

public abstract class LookupTable {

     * abstract class with abstract get method that has no implementation defined, behavior is defined in subclasses
     * @param color
     * @return 
    abstract String get(String color);


public class NumberLookup extends LookupTable {
    private HashMap<String, String> numberTable = new HashMap<>();

    String get(String color) { // abstract method implementation
        return color;

    public NumberLookup() {
        String[] colors = { "Silver", "Gold", "Black", "Brown", "Red", "Orange", "Yellow", "Green", "Blue", "Violet",
                "Gray", "White" };
        for (String color : colors) {
            for (int i = 0; i <= 9; i++) {
                numberTable.put(color, (i));

        // constructor

 * @param color
 * @return the corresponding 

        public double getDouble(String color) { // new method

            return (numberTable.get(color));


 * intakes a color and returns a String that is the tolerance String ex.( (+/-
 * 5%))
 * adds the OHM symbol and tolerance to the end of the final string to be
 * printer

public class ToleranceLookup extends LookupTable {

     * default empty constructor
    public ToleranceLookup() {


     * @param color band as a string
     * @return the Ohm and tolerance suffix
    public String get(String color) {
        switch (color) {
        case "Black":
            return "\u03A9";
        case "Brown":
            return ("\u03A9, \u00B1" + "1%");
        case "Red":
            return ("\u03A9, \u00B1" + "2%");
        case "Orange":
            return ("\u03A9");
        case "Yellow":
            return ("\u03A9, \u00B1" + "5%");
        case "Green":
            return ("\u03A9, \u00B1" + ".5%");
        case "Blue":
            return ("\u03A9, \u00B1" + ".25%");
        case "Violet":
            return ("\u03A9, \u00B1" + ".1%");
        case "Gray":
            return ("\u03A9, \u00B1" + "10%");
        case "White":
            return ("\u03A9");
        case "Gold":
            return ("\u03A9, \u00B1" + "5%");
        case "Silver":
            return ("\u03A9, \u00B1" + "10%");
        case "None":
            return ("\u03A9, \u00B1" + "20%");
            return null;




 * inherits from the NumberLookup object but no methods need to be added.
 * Internal lookup table is different

public class MultiplierLookup extends NumberLookup {
    private HashMap<String, Double> multiplier = new HashMap<>();

    String get(String color) {
        return color;

    public MultiplierLookup() {// constructor
        String[] colors = new String[] { "Silver", "Gold", "Black", "Brown", "Red", "Orange", "Yellow", "Green", "Blue",
                "Violet", "Gray", "White" };
        for (String color : colors) {
            int j = -2;
            while (j <= 9) {
                multiplier.put(color, (Double.toString(Math.pow(10, j)));

    public Double getDouble(String color) { // returns a double value
        return multiplier.get(color);



我知道到目前为止代码中存在一些错误,我认为我在很大程度上理解如何解决这些错误,但我对OOP和相互关联/依赖类很新 . 虽然我理解继承如何在基本级别上工作,但我不确定如何让我的MultiplierLookup类继承NumberLookup和LookupTable . 很抱歉,如果这个问题冗长或过于基本,但我花了很多时间浏览这个网站以获取我的所有作业,而且这里的输入非常宝贵,所以我认为这是最好的转向 .

我绝对不希望任何人为我完成这个代码,我实际上非常喜欢解决问题,但我觉得让我用一个具体的例子向我解释的概念将是有益的 . 先感谢您!

另外,我还没有完全构造ResistorDecoder类,因为它依赖于子类 . 但它主要是根据其他类的信息组成一个字符串 .