我正在使用Sails 1.1.0和sails-disk .

我创建了一个强制性的一对多关系 . Sofaowner ,它与 User 是一对多, Sofa 也有 home ,与 Home 是一对多 . 但是当我 await Home.destroy(homeId); Home 时,它不会级联并删除 Sofa . 相反,我得到错误:

PropagationError: Failed to run the "cascade" polyfill.  Could not propagate the potential destruction of this home record.
  Cannot wipe the contents of association (`sofas`) because there is one conflicting shame record whose `home` cannot be set to `null`.  (That attribute is required.)

This error originated from the fact that the "cascade" polyfill was enabled for this query.
Tip: Try reordering your .destroy() calls.
 [?] See https://sailsjs.com/support for more help.


// api\models\Sofa.js

    owner: {
      model: 'user',
      required: true

    home: {
      model: 'home',
      required: true

// api\models\User.js    

        sofas: {
           collection: 'sofa',
           via: 'owner'

// api\models\Home.js    

        sofas: {
           collection: 'sofa',
           via: 'home'
