kotlinx-coroutines-reactive 的Kotlin 1.3.11和v1.0.1中,我发现当 Publisher<Publisher<T>> 在某些内部发布者上调用 consumeEach 之前完成时,这些内部发布者在最终启动时根本不执行 . 这是预期的吗?考虑例如:

publish {
    send(publish<Unit> {
        // delay(1E6); // optionally try to wait a long time to verify it's not run at all
        println("inner finished")
    // send(launch { println("inner finished") }) // note: this isn't a problem for launch
    println("outer finished")
    .consumeEach {
        println("try to start inner")
        it.consumeEach {  }
        // it.join() // try this when sending `launch {}`


outer finished
try to start inner

Process finished with exit code 0

我的直觉是否与 ProducerScope s有关(因为 Publisher 的范围是这些,参见docs)?