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Firebase Cloud 功能部署错误


我'm trying to deploy my project from firebase CLI but there is an issue with my functions. This is strange because I had no issues with it four weeks ago. I haven' t改变了我的任何firebase Cloud 功能设置 . 当我试图跑
firebase deploy
firebase deploy --only functions .

There was an issue deploying your functions. Verify that your project has a Google App Engine instance setup at https://console.cloud.google.com/appengine and try again. If this issue persists, please contact support.
Error: HTTP Error: 500, Internal error encountered.

我之前的 Cloud 功能运行良好,无需设置Google App Engine,我似乎无法在文档中找到任何关于Google App Engine需求的内容 .

2 回答

  • 0

    如果您的函数使用Cloud Datastore然后是,则需要创建一个App Engine项目(实际上您不需要部署GAE应用程序) . 来自Dependency on App Engine application

    如果您使用Google Cloud库访问Cloud Datastore,则您的Cloud项目需要有效的App Engine应用程序 . 打开App Engine仪表板并确认您的Cloud项目有一个活动的App Engine应用程序 . 如果需要,创建App Engine应用程序 . 不得禁用该应用 .

  • 0

    尝试将firebase-tools更新到最新版本 . 这为我解决了这个问题 .

    npm install -g firebase-tools
