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Haproxy acl规则适用于SSL


我需要为SSL配置Haproxy,这样如果某个关键字在URL中匹配,那么它应该转到非SSL端口(8080),对于其余的呼叫,它应该转到SSL端口8443 .

我为example.com分配了127.0.0.1,如果URL example.com在浏览器中输入,那么它将localhost指向我的机器 .

在前端SSL中,acl规则无法正常工作,因为具有操作“reporting”或“account_management”的URL不是指后端proxybackend . 即使URL有action = reporting,所有流量都会通过default_backend SSLappAPI .

是acl无法正常工作,因为我正在尝试使用非SSL端口进行SSL流量,或者我在以下haproxy配置中遇到任何问题 .



frontend  main *:80

    acl is_api url_param(action) -i host_check
    use_backend appAPI      if is_api
    default_backend             appUI
    option             forwardfor

frontend ssl
    mode tcp
    bind *:443
    option tcplog
    acl server_ssl urlp_sub(action) -i reporting
    acl server_ssl urlp_sub(action) -i account_management
    acl server_ssl hdr(host) -i example.com
    acl server_ssl hdr_sub(host) -i example.com

    use_backend proxybackend if server_ssl
    default_backend             SSLappAPI
    option             forwardfor

backend appUI
    server      ui-server check maxconn 50#ui <- leave this format to allow for selective script replacement

backend appAPI
    server  api-server check maxconn 750#api <- leave this format to allow for selective script replacement
    timeout http-keep-alive 0s

backend SSLappAPI
    mode tcp
    server  api-server check maxconn 800#ssl <- leave this format to allow for selective script replacement

backend proxybackend
    server proxyserver

1 回答

  • 0

    规则'req_ssl_sni'成功了 . 看起来像普通ACL不适用于SSL,这里'req_ssl_sni'将来救援 .

    使用相同haproxy的2个SSL服务器的工作代码如下 . 下面的代码也适用于SSL证书,无需在haproxy服务器上安装组合的.PEM证书 .

    前端ssl模式tcp ssl bind *:443选项tcplog

    tcp-request inspect-delay 5s
    tcp-request content accept if { req_ssl_hello_type 1 }
    use_backend SSLappAPI if { req_ssl_sni -i anoexample.com }
    use_backend proxybackend if { req_ssl_sni -i example.com }
    default_backend             SSLappAPI
    backend SSLappAPI
    mode tcp
    server  api-server check maxconn 800#ssl <- leave this format to allow for selective script replacement
    backend proxybackend
    mode tcp
    #option nolinger
    option tcplog
    balance roundrobin
    hash-type consistent
    option srvtcpka
    # maximum SSL session ID length is 32 bytes.
    stick-table type binary len 32 size 30k expire 30m
    # make sure we cover type 1 (fallback)
    acl clienthello req_ssl_hello_type 1
    acl serverhello rep_ssl_hello_type 2
    # use tcp content accepts to detects ssl client and server hello.
    tcp-request inspect-delay 5s
    tcp-request content accept if clienthello
    # no timeout on response inspect delay by default.
    tcp-response content accept if serverhello
    # SSL session ID (SSLID) may be present on a client or server hello.
    # Its length is coded on 1 byte at offset 43 and its value starts
    # at offset 44.
    # Match and learn on request if client hello.
    stick on payload_lv(43,1) if clienthello
    # Learn on response if server hello.
    stick store-response payload_lv(43,1) if serverhello
    #option ssl-hello-chk
    server proxyserver
