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我写测试并希望将BigDecimal结果与期望值进行比较 . 我想使用方法 Assert.assertEquals(BigDecimal, BigDecimal) 因为如果drop它显示精确的比较值,并且在eclipse中我可以显示比较窗口 .

所以在代码中我有方法返回BigDecimal舍入到2位小数 . 在测试用例中,我现在返回的数字没有非零十进制数字 . 所以我想创建具有标度0的BigDecimal并且修剪返回BigDecimal到相同的比例 .

为了更复杂,我现在有方法 getDecimal(Object [,Optionaly int scale]) ,它从任何具有正确 toString() 值的对象创建BigDecimal,默认比例为99.我在主"heavy"代码中使用它,所以这个方法必须非常快(不需要创建另一个对象,不要使用regexp等 . ) .

这么简单的问题是:如何修改BigDecimal实例以通过最小负载修剪结束的十进制零 .


0.010 -> 0.01
5.000 -> 5
100 -> 100   not 1E+2


someTrim(new BigDecimal("100.00")).equals(new BigDecimal(100))


100.00 / (2, 99, DOWN) * 50.00 -> 2500


public static BigDecimal getDecimal( Object value ) {
    // null here probably work beter, but dont want number longer then 99 decimal digits
    return getDecimal( value, 99 );

public static BigDecimal getDecimal( Object value, Integer scale ) {
    if ( value == null )
        return null;

    BigDecimal result = ( value instanceof BigDecimal ) ? ( BigDecimal ) value : new BigDecimal( value.toString() );

    if ( scale == null )
        return result;

    return result.setScale( scale, DOWN );

// Main heavy method could call this 100 000 times per tenant (cca 1500 tenants), of course not expect all in same time, but can severals
public static myModify(E entity){
    return myModify( entity.getValue(), entity.getDivisor(), entity.getMultiplicator() );

public static myModify( BigDecimal value, Integer divisor, BigDecimal multiplicator){
     return value.divide( getDecimal(divisor), 99, RoundingMode.DOWN ).multiply( multiplicator );

public void myModifyTest(){
    // Constructor have param: value, divisor, multiplicator
    E entity = new E(new BigDecimal("100.00"), 2, new BigDecimal("50.00"));
    // Should pass
    Assert.assertEquals(getDecimal(100), entity);
    // Should drop: java.lang.AssertionError: expected:<50> but was:<100>
    Assert.assertEquals(getDecimal(50), entity);
    // Not want: java.lang.AssertionError: expected:<5E+1> but was:<1E+2>

也许存在另一个删除相同错误的junit comparsion方法,但我不知道

感谢帮助 . 帕维尔

3 回答

  • 1

    official junit solution对此要求是使用hamcrest .


    BigDecimal a = new BigDecimal("100")
        BigDecimal b = new BigDecimal("100.00")
        assertThat(a,  Matchers.comparesEqualTo(b));

    Hamcrest 1.3 Quick Reference

  • 0



    public class BigDecimalToCompare {
    private final BigDecimal bigDecimal;
    public BigDecimal getBigDecimal(){
        return bigDecimal;
    BigDecimalToCompare(BigDecimal bigDecimal){
        this.bigDecimal = bigDecimal;
    public boolean equals(Object obj){
        return bigDecimal.compareTo(((BigDecimalToCompare)obj).getBigDecimal()) ==0;
    public String toString(){
       return bigDecimal.toString();
    public static BigDecimalToCompare of(BigDecimal bd){
        return new BigDecimalToCompare(bd);



    public void test(){
        BigDecimal a = new BigDecimal("100");
        BigDecimal b = new BigDecimal("100.00");


    assertEquals(new BigDecimal("150").stripTrailingZeros(),
  • 0

    我可能找到了解决方案 . 创建另外两个BigDecimal实例是不好的,但不知道另一个侵入性较小的方法 . 如果没有必要,我做一点优化就不创建实例 .

     * For text comparsion or log propouse
     * @return human readable text without decimal zeros 
    public static String getPlainText( BigDecimal value ) {
        if ( value == null )
            return null;
        // Strip only values with decimal digits
        BigDecimal striped = ( value.scale() > 0 ) ? value.stripTrailingZeros() : value;
        return striped.toPlainString();
     * For comparison by equals method like test assertEquals
     * @return new instance without decimal zeros 
    public static BigDecimal stripDecimalZeros( BigDecimal value ) {
        if ( value == null )
            return null;
        // Strip only values with decimal digits
        BigDecimal striped = ( value.scale() > 0 ) ? value.stripTrailingZeros() : value;
        // Unscale only values with ten exponent
        return ( striped.scale() < 0 ) ? striped.setScale( 0 ) : striped;

    感谢@frhack . 可以写为测试你自己的Macther类类似于OrderingComparsion . 简单的等于

    public static class BigDecimalEqualComparator extends TypeSafeMatcher<BigDecimal> {
        private final BigDecimal expected;
        private static final String[] comparisonDescriptions = { "less than", "equal to", "greater than" };
        public BigDecimalEqualComparator( BigDecimal expected ) {
            this.expected = expected;
        public boolean matchesSafely( BigDecimal actual ) {
            return actual.compareTo( expected ) == 0;
        // You must change this
        public void describeMismatchSafely( BigDecimal actual, Description mismatchDescription ) {
            mismatchDescription.appendValue( actual.stripTrailingZeros().toPlainString() ).appendText( " was " )
                .appendText( asText( actual.compareTo( expected ) ) ).appendText( " " )
                .appendValue( expected.stripTrailingZeros().toPlainString() );
        public void describeTo( Description description ) {
            description.appendText( "a value equal to " ).appendValue( expected.stripTrailingZeros().toPlainString() );
        private static String asText( int comparison ) {
            return comparisonDescriptions[signum( comparison ) + 1];
