我想在我的phonegap / cordova app中加入hammer.js .

版本:Hammer.JS - v1.0.10 - 2014-03-28



我的华为U8850 Android 2.3.5设备无效 . 问题:滑动事件未按预期触发 .

大约二十次尝试中只有一次是成功的 .

拖动工作正常 - 我不得不将页面拖到中点以进入下一页 .

使用库存浏览器,Opera mobile和cordova应用程序进行测试 .


handler : function swipeGesture(ev, inst) {
        if(ev.eventType == EVENT_END) {
            // max touches
            if(ev.touches.length < inst.options.swipe_min_touches ||
                ev.touches.length > inst.options.swipe_max_touches) {
                console.warn(' return');  // this is not the problem 

            // when the distance we moved is too small we skip this gesture
            // or we can be already in dragging
            if(ev.velocityX > inst.options.swipe_velocity ||
                ev.velocityY > inst.options.swipe_velocity) {
                // trigger swipe events
                console.log('IS TRIGGERED VX: ' + ev.velocityX + '  inst.options.swipe_velocity: ' + inst.options.swipe_velocity);
                inst.trigger(this.name, ev);
                inst.trigger(this.name + ev.direction, ev);
            } else {
                console.log('NOT TRIGGERED VX: ' + ev.velocityX + '  inst.options.swipe_velocity: ' + inst.options.swipe_velocity);


NOT TRIGGERED VX: 0  inst.options.swipe_velocity: 0.7
NOT TRIGGERED VX: 0  inst.options.swipe_velocity: 0.7
NOT TRIGGERED VX: 0  inst.options.swipe_velocity: 0.7
NOT TRIGGERED VX: 0  inst.options.swipe_velocity: 0.7
NOT TRIGGERED VX: 0  inst.options.swipe_velocity: 0.7
NOT TRIGGERED VX: 0  inst.options.swipe_velocity: 0.7
NOT TRIGGERED VX: 0  inst.options.swipe_velocity: 0.7
NOT TRIGGERED VX: 0  inst.options.swipe_velocity: 0.7
IS TRIGGERED VX: 0.9742769115007959  inst.options.swipe_velocity: 0.7
NOT TRIGGERED VX: 0  inst.options.swipe_velocity: 0.7

有趣的是:速度不仅太慢而且不能触发事件,大多数时候都是零 .