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RXJS 6.0:错误在./node_modules/rxjs-compat/_esm5/add/operator/publishReplay.js


在将我的应用程序从角度5迁移到6之后,rxjs已经引起了各种各样的问题 . 我在迁移过程中和删除它之后使用了rxjs-compact,因为它会导致更大的内存利用率 . 我一直有这样的错误 .

._node_modules/rxjs-compat/_esm5/add/operator/publishReplay.js中的错误 . 模块构建失败:错误:ENOENT:没有这样的文件或目录,打开'/ home / training / Desktop / vishnu / TemplateAppv6 / node_modules / rxjs -compat / _esm5 /添加/运营/ publishReplay.js'

我尝试从rxjs和rxjs /运算符导入publishReplay .

从'rxjs / operators'导入{filter,map,catchError,publishReplay};

但是问题仍然存在,对于像catchError这样的publishReplay是否有任何变化 .

任何帮助,将不胜感激 .


import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { HttpClient, HttpHeaders, HttpErrorResponse } from '@angular/common/http';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs';

import { ErrorResponse } from '../core/interfaces/Error';

import { throwError, ReplaySubject } from 'rxjs';
import { filter, map, catchError, publishReplay } from 'rxjs/operators';

import 'rxjs/add/observable/forkJoin';

import { environment } from '../../environments/environment';
import { HomeConstants } from './home-consatant';
import { BaseService } from '../core/base.service';

                // Construct the rail data.
                responses.map((response: RailResponse) => {
                  railsData[response.railId] = response
                    .map((entry: EntriesEntity) => {
                      return {
                        imageSrc: this.getImageUrl(entry, response.railId), // Get rail image according to the rail type.
                        contentTypeLabel: entry.pricingType, // Content Type.
                        description: entry.title, // Rail title.
                        url: '/details/' + entry.programType + '/' +
                          this.utility.encodeProgramName(entry.title) + '/' + entry.id, // Rail url.
                        isPopoverVisible: true,
                        popoverTitle: entry.title,
                        popoverDescription: entry.title
                return railsData;
              .publishReplay(1, this.cacheInterval)
              .catchError((res: HttpErrorResponse) => throwError(res));
            this.rails.set(railParams[0].railId, this.railResponse);
          return this.rails.get(railParams[0].railId);
      } else {
        return null;
    } else {
      return null;

2 回答

  • 0

    Angular 6将RxJS的版本升级为具有lettable运算符的版本 . 除非安装兼容包,否则无法再使用以前的语法 .


    import { map } from 'rxjs/operators';
    import { Observable, of } from 'rxjs';
    let squares: Observable<number> = of(1, 2).pipe(
      map(m => m * m)


    还有一种将源代码转换为新(&IMHO crappy)语法的自动方法 .

  • 0

    好吧最后我发现问题并解决了,我希望它能帮助其他人,所以我在这里发帖 .

    问题在于管道功能的子功能的安排 . 由于新的rxjs仅支持管道方法,因此我们使用' . '为映射函数提供的每个子函数 . 我们必须将子函数放在',' .

    .map((entry: EntriesEntity) => {
                          return {
                            imageSrc: this.getImageUrl(entry, response.railId), // Get rail image according to the rail type.
                            contentTypeLabel: entry.pricingType, // Content Type.
                            description: entry.title, // Rail title.
                            url: '/details/' + entry.programType + '/' +
                              this.utility.encodeProgramName(entry.title) + '/' + entry.id, // Rail url.
                            isPopoverVisible: true,
                            popoverTitle: entry.title,
                            popoverDescription: entry.title
                    return railsData;
                  .publishReplay(1, this.cacheInterval)
                  .catchError((res: HttpErrorResponse) => throwError(res));
                this.rails.set(railParams[0].railId, this.railResponse);


    .pipe(map((response: GetRailsResponse) => {
            return response;
          publishReplay(1, this.cacheInterval),
          catchError((res: HttpErrorResponse)=> { 
            return throwError(res)
          this.rails.set(JSON.stringify(requestBody), this.railsRes);
