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在寻找我的问题的解决方案时,我发现了以下sql(Calculate business hours between two dates) .

但是,我希望起点是8:30而不是9,结束点是17:30而不是17.目前我使用的是整数 . 谁能帮我这个?提前致谢!

Create Function GetWorkingMin(@StartDate DateTime, @EndDate DateTime, @Country Varchar(2)) Returns Int 
Declare @WorkMin int = 0   -- Initialize counter
Declare @Reverse bit       -- Flag to hold if direction is reverse
Declare @StartHour int = 9   -- Start of business hours (can be supplied as an argument if needed)
Declare @EndHour int = 17    -- End of business hours (can be supplied as an argument if needed)
Declare @Holidays Table (HDate DateTime)   --  Table variable to hold holidayes

-- If dates are in reverse order, switch them and set flag
If @StartDate>@EndDate 
    Declare @TempDate DateTime=@StartDate
    Set @StartDate=@EndDate
    Set @EndDate=@TempDate
    Set @Reverse=1
Else Set @Reverse = 0

-- Get country holidays from table based on the country code (Feel free to remove this or modify as per your DB schema)
Insert Into @Holidays (HDate) Select HDate from HOLIDAY Where COUNTRYCODE=@Country and HDATE>=DateAdd(dd, DateDiff(dd,0,@StartDate), 0)

If DatePart(HH, @StartDate)<@StartHour Set @StartDate = DateAdd(hour, @StartHour, DateDiff(DAY, 0, @StartDate))  -- If Start time is less than start hour, set it to start hour
If DatePart(HH, @StartDate)>=@EndHour+1 Set @StartDate = DateAdd(hour, @StartHour+24, DateDiff(DAY, 0, @StartDate)) -- If Start time is after end hour, set it to start hour of next day
If DatePart(HH, @EndDate)>=@EndHour+1 Set @EndDate = DateAdd(hour, @EndHour, DateDiff(DAY, 0, @EndDate)) -- If End time is after end hour, set it to end hour
If DatePart(HH, @EndDate)<@StartHour Set @EndDate = DateAdd(hour, @EndHour-24, DateDiff(DAY, 0, @EndDate)) -- If End time is before start hour, set it to end hour of previous day

If @StartDate>@EndDate Return 0

-- If Start and End is on same day
If DateDiff(Day,@StartDate,@EndDate) <= 0
    If Datepart(dw,@StartDate)>1 And DATEPART(dw,@StartDate)<7  -- If day is between sunday and saturday
        If (Select Count(*) From @Holidays Where HDATE=DateAdd(dd, DateDiff(dd,0,@StartDate), 0)) = 0  -- If day is not a holiday
            If @EndDate<@StartDate Return 0 Else Set @WorkMin=DATEDIFF(MI, @StartDate, @EndDate) -- Calculate difference
        Else Return 0
    Else Return 0
Else Begin
    Declare @Partial int=1   -- Set partial day flag
    While DateDiff(Day,@StartDate,@EndDate) > 0   -- While start and end days are different
        If Datepart(dw,@StartDate)>1 And DATEPART(dw,@StartDate)<7    --  If this is a weekday
            If (Select Count(*) From @Holidays Where HDATE=DateAdd(dd, DateDiff(dd,0,@StartDate), 0)) = 0  -- If this is not a holiday
                If @Partial=1  -- If this is the first iteration, calculate partial time
                    Set @WorkMin=@WorkMin + DATEDIFF(MI, @StartDate, DateAdd(hour, @EndHour, DateDiff(DAY, 0, @StartDate)))
                    Set @StartDate=DateAdd(hour, @StartHour+24, DateDiff(DAY, 0, @StartDate)) 
                    Set @Partial=0 
                Else Begin      -- If this is a full day, add full minutes
                    Set @WorkMin=@WorkMin + (@EndHour-@StartHour)*60        
                    Set @StartDate = DATEADD(DD,1,@StartDate)
            Else Set (at)StartDate = DATEADD(HOUR, (at)StartHour, CAST(CAST(DATEADD(DD,1,(at)StartDate) AS DATE) AS DATETIME))  
        Else Set (at)StartDate = DATEADD(HOUR, (at)StartHour, CAST(CAST(DATEADD(DD,1,(at)StartDate) AS DATE) AS DATETIME))
    If Datepart(dw,@StartDate)>1 And DATEPART(dw,@StartDate)<7  -- If last day is a weekday
        If (Select Count(*) From @Holidays Where HDATE=DateAdd(dd, DateDiff(dd,0,@StartDate), 0)) = 0   -- And it is not a holiday
            If @Partial=0 Set @WorkMin=@WorkMin + DATEDIFF(MI, @StartDate, @EndDate) Else Set @WorkMin=@WorkMin + DATEDIFF(MI, DateAdd(hour, @StartHour, DateDiff(DAY, 0, @StartDate)), @EndDate)
If @Reverse=1 Set @WorkMin=-@WorkMin
Return @WorkMin


1 回答

  • 0

    使用 TIME 作为开始时间 . 然后创建 INT 变量以将转换后的值放入分钟以用于条件 .

    我为你创造了样品 .

    DECLARE @StartDate  DATETIME='2018-12-10 10:00'
    DECLARE @ExpectedStartTime  TIME='08:30'
    DECLARE @ExpectedStartMin   INT=DATEPART(HOUR,@ExpectedStartTime)*60+DATEPART(MINUTE,@ExpectedStartTime)
    DECLARE @ActualStartMin     INT=DATEPART(HOUR,@StartDate)*60+DATEPART(MINUTE,@StartDate)
    --Check before change the StartDate
    SELECT @ExpectedStartMin, @ActualStartMin, @StartDate
    If @ExpectedStartMin<@ActualStartMin Set @StartDate = CAST(CAST(@StartDate AS DATE) AS DATETIME)+@ExpectedStartTime
    -- same way to the other conditions.
    --Check after change the StartDate  
    SELECT @ExpectedStartMin, @ActualStartMin, @StartDate
