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对于我的PHP项目,我需要将排序的数组打印到表中 . 我们不能使用预制排序功能来执行此操作,并被指示进行自己的排序功能 . 排序有效,但它不会像我们需要的那样进入html表格式 .

    $fileInput = "guestBook.txt";
    $fileInputInData = file_get_contents($fileInput);
    $array=explode("\n", $fileInputInData);

    for($j = 0; $j < count($array); $j ++) 
      for($i = 0; $i < count($array)-1; $i ++)

        if($array[$i] > $array[$i+1])
        $temp = $array[$i+1];

     echo "<th>Firstname</th><th>Lastname</th><th>Email Address</th>";
     $arrayExplode = explode("\n", $array);
     $k = 0;
     foreach($array as $arrayOut)
     $arrayExplodeTwo = explode(" ", $arrayExplode[$k]);
     $firstName =  $arrayExplodeTwo[0];
     $lastName = $arrayExplodeTwo[1];
     $email = $arrayExplodeTwo[2];
     echo '<tr><td>'; echo $firstName; echo '</td></tr>';echo '<tr><td>'; 
     echo $lastName; echo '</td></tr>';
     echo '<tr><td>'; echo $email; echo '</td></tr>';



Firstname Lastname Email

代码不希望正确地将数据打印到表中 . 取出foreach循环中爆炸的特定分解将其输出到表格中 . 但是,这样做不会将它们分解到表的空间中,每行只有一个盒子,而另外两个盒子是空的 . 它将数据打印到Firstname列中的所有表中,每行包含数据 . 将数据格式化为特定行会导致它不会在列中打印任何内容,只会在空表中打印 .

在将爆炸函数添加到代码底部附近的foreach循环之前,以下是我的代码输出到Web浏览器的方式 .

Firstname                            Lastname    Email Address
       Anon emous anon@email.com
       Matthew rando rando@gmail.com has signed in.
       Matthew rando rando@gmail.com has signed in.
       Matthew rando rando@gmail.com has signed in.
       Person Anon Anon@emailaddr.com has signed in.
       Person AnonyMouse AnonyMouse@emailaddr.com has signed in.
       Person Name randomaddr@example.com has signed in.
       Test Person thispersonisatest@fake.com has signed in.
       Test PersonTwo thispersonisatestTwo@fake.com has signed in.
       random name randomname@example.com
       test personand testPersonAnd@testemail.com has signed in.


Firstname    Lastname    Email Address

在表期间没有数据,输出为空白表 .

预先感谢您的任何帮助 .

2 回答

  • 0

    我对你的guestBook.txt文件做了一些假设,并得到了以下一些代码 .

    # Read and parse the file
    $fileInput = "guestBook.txt";
    $fileInputInData = file_get_contents($fileInput);
    $array=explode("\n", $fileInputInData);
    # Sort the data
    for($j = 0; $j < count($array); $j ++)
       for($i = 0; $i < count($array)-1; $i ++)
          if($array[$i] > $array[$i+1])
             $temp = $array[$i+1];
    # Check the sort results
    # Echo the table header
    echo "<tr><th>Firstname</th><th>Lastname</th><th>Email Address</th></tr>";
    # Loop through each element of the sorted array
    foreach($array as $arrayOut)
       # Explode the current array element by spaces
       $arrayExplode = explode(" ", $arrayOut);
       # Assign the data
       $firstName =  $arrayExplode[0];
       $lastName = $arrayExplode[1];
       $email = $arrayExplode[2];
       # Echo out the results
       echo '<tr>';
       echo ' <td>'; echo $firstName; echo '</td>';
       echo ' <td>'; echo $lastName; echo '</td>';
       echo ' <td>'; echo $email; echo '</td>';
       echo '</tr>';


    • 在您的代码中: $array=explode("\n", $fileInputInData);$arrayExplode = explode("\n", $array);

    两次做同样的事情并抛出错误 .

    • 正如@PatrickSJ所提到的,您的HTML输出是在3行而不是在一行上写firstName,lastName和email .




  • 1

    与@ dchao5建议的解决方案几乎相同 . 他提交时正在努力 . 主要区别在于使用php内置的模板语法,因此您不会在业务逻辑中混合使用html代码 . 首先进行处理,生成页面需要渲染的元素,然后使用模板语法在页面中渲染它们总是更干净 . 使维护更加清晰 .

        // all the same did not touch
        $fileInput = "guestBook.txt";
        $fileInputInData = file_get_contents($fileInput);
        $array=explode("\n", $fileInputInData);
        for($j = 0; $j < count($array); $j ++) 
          for($i = 0; $i < count($array)-1; $i ++)
            if($array[$i] > $array[$i+1])
            $temp = $array[$i+1];
         $formatted = array();
         foreach($array as $row)
            if($row != ''){
                $columns = explode(" ", $row);
                $formatted[] = array(
                    'first'     => $columns[0],
                    'last'      => $columns[1],
                    'email'     => $columns[2]
                <th>First Name</th>
                <th>Last Name</th>
            <?php foreach($formatted as $row): ?>
                <td><?php echo $row['first']; ?></td>
                <td><?php echo $row['last']; ?></td>
                <td><?php echo $row['email']; ?>td>
            <?php endforeach; ?>
