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对于DataFrame中可用的列列表,我无法找到在给定窗口上计算Sum(或任何聚合函数)的通用方法 .

val inputDF = spark
        (1,2,1, 30, 100),
        (1,2,2, 30, 100), 
        (1,2,3, 30, 100),
        (11,21,1, 30, 100),
        (11,21,2, 30, 100), 
        (11,21,3, 30, 100)
.toDF("c1", "c2", "offset", "v1", "v2")

| c1| c2|offset| v1| v2|
|  1|  2|     1| 30|100|
|  1|  2|     2| 30|100|
|  1|  2|     3| 30|100|
| 11| 21|     1| 30|100|
| 11| 21|     2| 30|100|
| 11| 21|     3| 30|100|

给定如上所示的DataFrame,很容易找到列列表的Sum,类似于下面显示的代码片段 -

val groupKey = List("c1", "c2").map(x => col(x.trim))
    val orderByKey = List("offset").map(x => col(x.trim))

    val aggKey = List("v1", "v2").map(c => sum(c).alias(c.trim))

    import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.Window

    val w = Window.partitionBy(groupKey: _*).orderBy(orderByKey: _*)

    val outputDF = inputDF
    .groupBy(groupKey: _*)
    .agg(aggKey.head, aggKey.tail: _*)


但我似乎无法在窗口规范上找到类似的聚合函数方法 . 到目前为止,我只能通过单独指定每列来解决这个问题,如下所示 -

val outputDF2 = inputDF
    .withColumn("cumulative_v1", sum(when($"offset".between(-1, 1), inputDF("v1")).otherwise(0)).over(w))
    .withColumn("cumulative_v3", sum(when($"offset".between(-2, 2), inputDF("v1")).otherwise(0)).over(w))

如果有一种方法可以在动态列列表上进行此聚合,我将不胜感激 . 谢谢!

1 回答

  • 0

    我想我找到了一种比上述问题更好的方法 .

        * Utility method takes a DataFrame and a List of columns to return aggregated values for the specified list of columns
        * @param colsToAggregate    Seq[String] of all columns in the input DataFrame to be aggregated
        * @param inputDF            Input DataFrame
        * @param f                  aggregate function 'call by name'
        * @param partitionByColSeq  Seq[] of column names to partition the inputDF before applying the aggregate
        * @param orderByColSeq      Seq[] of column names to order the inputDF before applying the aggregate
        * @param name_prefix        String to prefix the new columns with, to avoid collisions
        * @param name               New column names. Uses Identify function and reuses aggregated column names
        * @return                   output DataFrame
      def withRollingAggregateColumns(colsToAggregate: Seq[String],
                                      inputDF: DataFrame,
                                      f: String => Column,
                                      partitionByColSeq: Seq[String],
                                      orderByColSeq: Seq[String],
                                      name_prefix: String,
                                      name: String => String = identity) = {
        val groupByKey = partitionByColSeq.map(x => col(x.trim))
        val orderByKey = orderByColSeq.map(x => col(x.trim))
        import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.Window
        val w = Window.partitionBy(groupByKey: _*).orderBy(orderByKey: _*)
            (df, elementInCols) => df
                name_prefix + "_" + name(elementInCols),

    在这种情况下,Utility方法将DataFrame作为输入,并根据提供的函数f附加新列 . 它使用“withColumn”和“foldLeft”语法迭代需要聚合的列列表 . 为避免任何列名冲突,它会将用户提供的“前缀”附加到新聚合列
