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Python BeautifulSoup解析特定文本


我正在解析一个html文件,我想找到它所说的"Smaller Reporting Company"文件的一部分,并且它旁边有一个"X"或Checkbox,或者它没有't. The checkbox is typically done with the Wingdings font or an ascii code. In the HTML below you' ll看到它旁边有一个 þ .

我没有问题显示正则表达式搜索文本的结果,但我无法进入下一步并寻找一个复选框 .

我将使用它来解析许多不同的html文件,这些文件并不都遵循相同的格式,但是大多数文件将使用表格和ascii文本,就像这个例子一样 .


<DIV align="left">Indicate by check mark whether the registrant is a large accelerated filer, an accelerated filer, a non-accelerated filer, or a smaller reporting company. See the definitions of &#147;large accelerated filer,&#148; &#147;accelerated filer&#148; and &#147;smaller reporting company&#148;. (Check one):

<DIV align="center">
<TABLE style="font-size: 10pt" cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%">
<!-- Begin Table Head -->
<TR valign="bottom">
    <TD width="22%">&nbsp;</TD>
    <TD width="3%">&nbsp;</TD>
    <TD width="22%">&nbsp;</TD>
    <TD width="3%">&nbsp;</TD>
    <TD width="22%">&nbsp;</TD>
    <TD width="3%">&nbsp;</TD>
    <TD width="22%">&nbsp;</TD>
<!-- End Table Head -->
<!-- Begin Table Body -->
<TR valign="bottom">
    <TD align="center" valign="top"><FONT style="white-space: nowrap"> Large accelerated filer <FONT style="font-family: Wingdings">&#111;</FONT></FONT>
    <TD align="center" valign="top"><FONT style="white-space: nowrap">Accelerated filer <FONT style="font-family: Wingdings">&#111;</FONT></FONT>
    <TD align="center" valign="top"><FONT style="white-space: nowrap"> Non-accelerated filer <FONT style="font-family: Wingdings">&#111;</FONT> </FONT>
    <FONT style="white-space: nowrap">(Do not check if a smaller reporting company)</FONT>
    <TD align="center" valign="top"><FONT style="white-space: nowrap"> Smaller reporting company <FONT style="font-family: Wingdings">&#254;</FONT></FONT></TD>
<!-- End Table Body -->


import os, sys, string, re
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup

rawDataFile = "testfile1.html"
f = open(rawDataFile)
soup = BeautifulSoup(f)

search = soup.findAll(text=re.compile('[sS]maller.*[rR]eporting.*[cC]ompany'))
print search

问题:如何将其设置为依赖于第一次搜索的第二次搜索?因此,当我找到“较小的报告公司”时,我可以搜索下几行,看看是否有ascii代码?我一直在浏览汤文档 . 我试图找到findNext但我无法让它工作 .

3 回答

  • 0

    如果您知道翼型角色的位置不会改变,您可以使用 .next .

    >>> nodes = soup.findAll(text=re.compile('[sS]maller.*[rR]eporting.*[cC]ompany'))
    >>> nodes[-1].next.next  # last item in list is the only good one... kinda crap

    或者你可以上去,然后从那里 find

    >>> nodes[-1].parent.find('font',style="font-family: Wingdings").next


    >>> soup.findAll(text='&#254;')[0].previous.previous
    u' Smaller reporting company '

    这假设你知道你正在寻找的翘曲的caharcters .

    最后一个策略还有一个额外的好处,就是过滤掉你的正则表达式所捕获的其他垃圾,我想你只是在正确的列表上工作,所以你可以根据自己的喜好仔细阅读 if .

  • 0

    您可以尝试遍历结构并检查内部标记内的值或检查外部标记中的值 . 我不记得如何做到这一点,我最终使用lxml,但我认为bsoup可能能做到这一点 .

    如果你不能得到bsoup来检查lxml . 根据您的工作情况,它可能更快 . 它还有使用bsoup和lxml的钩子 .

  • 0

    lxml 有一个宽容的HTML解析器 . 您不需要bsoup(现在已被其作者弃用),您应该避免使用正则表达式来解析HTML .


    guff = """\
    from lxml.html import fromstring
    doc = fromstring(guff)
    for td_el in doc.iter('td'):
        font_els = list(td_el.iter('font'))
        if not font_els: continue
        for el in font_els:
            print (el.text, el.attrib)


    (' Large accelerated filer ', {'style': 'white-space: nowrap'})
    ('o', {'style': 'font-family: Wingdings'})
    ('Accelerated filer ', {'style': 'white-space: nowrap'})
    ('o', {'style': 'font-family: Wingdings'})
    (' Non-accelerated filer ', {'style': 'white-space: nowrap'})
    ('o', {'style': 'font-family: Wingdings'})
    ('(Do not check if a smaller reporting company)', {'style': 'white-space: nowrap
    (' Smaller reporting company ', {'style': 'white-space: nowrap'})
    (u'\xfe', {'style': 'font-family: Wingdings'})
