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我想合并两个数据帧df1和df2,基于df2行在df1行之后是否在3-6个月的日期范围内 . 例如:


company DATADATE
0   012345  2005-06-30
1   012345  2005-09-30
2   012345  2005-12-31
3   012345  2006-03-31
4   123456  2005-01-31
5   123456  2005-03-31
6   123456  2005-06-30
7   123456  2005-09-30


company EventDate
0   012345  2005-07-28 <-- won't get merged b/c not within date range
1   012345  2005-10-12
2   123456  2005-05-15
3   123456  2005-05-17
4   123456  2005-05-25
5   123456  2005-05-30
6   123456  2005-08-08
7   123456  2005-11-29
8   abcxyz  2005-12-31 <-- won't be merged because company not in df1

理想的合并df - 在df2中具有EventDates的行,在df1行中的DATADATE之后将合并3-6个月(即1个季度):

company DATADATE    EventDate
0   012345  2005-06-30  2005-10-12
1   012345  2005-09-30  NaN   <-- nan because no EventDates fell in this range
2   012345  2005-12-31  NaN
3   012345  2006-03-31  NaN
4   123456  2005-01-31  2005-05-15
5   123456  2005-01-31  2005-05-17
5   123456  2005-01-31  2005-05-25
5   123456  2005-01-31  2005-05-30
6   123456  2005-03-31  2005-08-08
7   123456  2005-06-30  2005-11-19
8   123456  2005-09-30  NaN

我试图通过在dAT1之后添加start_time和end_time列到df1来表示3个月(start_time)到6个月(end_time),然后使用np.searchsorted()来应用这个相关主题[Merge pandas DataFrames based on irregular time intervals],但这种情况有点棘手,因为我想在逐个公司的基础上合并 .

2 回答

  • 2

    这实际上是一个罕见的问题,其中算法复杂性可能对于不同的解决方案而言显着不同 . 你可能想要考虑一下这个1-liner片段的狡猾 .


    • 根据日期对较大的数据帧进行排序

    • 对于较小数据框中的每个日期,使用bisect模块查找较大数据框中的相关行

    对于长度为m和n的数据帧(m <n),复杂度应为O(m log(n)) .

  • 2

    这是我的解决方案,Ami Tavory建议的算法如下:

    #find the date offsets to define date ranges
    start_time = df1.DATADATE.apply(pd.offsets.MonthEnd(3))
    end_time = df1.DATADATE.apply(pd.offsets.MonthEnd(6))
    #make these extra columns
    df1['start_time'] = start_time
    df1['end_time'] = end_time
    #find unique company names in both dfs
    unique_companies_df1 = df1.company.unique()
    unique_companies_df2 = df2.company.unique()
    #sort df1 by company and DATADATE, so we can iterate in a sensible order
    #define empty df to append data
    df3 = pd.DataFrame()
    #iterate through each company in df1, find 
    #that company in sorted df2, then for each 
    #DATADATE quarter of df1, bisect df2 in the 
    #correct locations (i.e. start_time to end_time)
    for cmpny in unique_companies_df1:
        if cmpny in unique_companies_df2: #if this company is in both dfs, take the relevant rows that are associated with this company 
            selected_df2 = df2[df2.company==cmpny].sort('EventDate').reset_index(drop=True)
            selected_df1 = sorted_df1[sorted_df1.company==cmpny].reset_index(drop=True)
            for quarter in xrange(len(selected_df1.DATADATE)): #iterate through each DATADATE quarter in df1
                lo=bisect.bisect_right(selected_df2.EventDate,selected_CS.start_time[quarter]) #bisect_right to ensure that we do not include dates before our date range
                hi=bisect.bisect_left(selected_IT.EventDate,selected_CS.end_time[quarter]) #bisect_left here to not include dates after our desired date range            
                df_right = selected_df2.loc[lo:hi].copy()  #grab all rows with EventDates that fall within our date range
                df_left = pd.DataFrame(selected_df1.loc[quarter]).transpose()
                if len(df_right)==0: # if no EventDates fall within range, create a row with cmpny in the 'company' column, and a NaT in the EventDate column to merge
                temp = pd.merge(df_left,df_right,how='inner',on='company') #merge the df1 company quarter with all df2's rows that fell within date range
