我的python程序占用了比预期更多的内存或由内存分析工具返回 . 我需要一个策略来查找内存泄漏并修复它 .


我在64位Linux机器上运行python3脚本 . 几乎所有代码都捆绑在一个对象中:

obj = MyObject(*myArguments)
result = obj.doSomething()

在创建 obj 期间,程序将读取大小为ca.的文本文件 . 100MB . 由于我以多种方式保存信息,我希望整个对象占用几个hundret MB内存 .

实际上,从包pympler中使用 asizeof.asized(obj) 测量其大小会返回大约123MB . 然而, top 告诉我,我的程序占据了大约 1GB 内存 .

我知道方法中的局部变量会占用更多的RAM . 但是,查看我的代码,我发现这些局部变量都不会那么大 . 我再次使用 asizeof.asized 再次检查了这一点 .

我不担心脚本需要1GB的内存 . 但是,我并行执行了一些方法(在12个方面):

class MyObject()

    def doSomething(arg):
        # do something

    def myParallelMethod(args)
        with sharedmem.MapReduce() as pool:
            result = pool.map(self.doSomething, args)
        return result

这使得总内存使用量变为 8GB ,即使我将所有大对象放在共享内存中:

self.myLargeNumPyArray = sharedmem.copy(self.myLargeNumPyArray)

我向测试程序保证内存真的是共享的 .

检查 asizeof ,我在每个子进程中获得了

  • asizeof.asized(self) 是1MB(即比"original"对象小得多 - 可能是由于共享内存,不计算加倍)

  • asizeof.asized(myOneAndOnlyBigLocalVariable) 是230MB .

总而言之,我的程序应该占用不超过123MB 12 * 230MB = 2.8GB << 8GB . 那么,为什么程序需要这么多内存呢?

一种解释可能是当程序并行运行时,我的对象中存在一些被隐藏的部分(垃圾?) .

Does anyone know a strategy to find out, where the memory leak is? How could I fix it?

我已经阅读了许多关于内存分析的线程,例如: Profiling memory in python 3Is there any working memory profiler for Python3Which Python memory profiler is recommended?How do I profile memory usage in Python?,但所有推荐的工具都没有解释内存使用情况 .


我被要求提供代码的最小示例 . 下面的代码显示了并行部分中的内存消耗与原始代码相同的问题 . 我已经找到了我的代码的非并行部分的问题,这是我有一个大的numpy数组,数据类型 object 作为对象变量 . 由于此数据类型,数组不能放入共享内存, asized 只返回浅的大小 . 感谢@ user2357112,帮助我解决这个问题!

因此,我想集中讨论并行部分中的问题:在方法 singleSourceShortestPaths (下面标有注释)中将值插入 queue 会将内存消耗从大约1.5GB更改为 10GB . 对于如何解释这种行为有什么想法吗?

import numpy as np
from heapdict import heapdict
from pympler import asizeof
import sharedmem

class RoadNetwork():

    strType = "|S10"

    def __init__(self):

        vertexNo = 1000000
        self.edges = np.zeros(1500000, dtype = {"names":["ID", "from_to", "from_to_original", "cost", "inspection", "spot"], 
                                                   'formats':[self.strType, '2int', '2'+self.strType, "double", "3bool", "2int", "2int"]})
        self.edges["ID"] = np.arange(self.edges.size)
        self.edges["from_to_original"][:vertexNo, 0] = np.arange(vertexNo)
        self.edges["from_to_original"][vertexNo:, 0] = np.random.randint(0, vertexNo, self.edges.size-vertexNo)
        self.edges["from_to_original"][:,1] = np.random.randint(0, vertexNo, self.edges.size)

        vertexIDs = np.unique(self.edges["from_to_original"])
        self.vertices = np.zeros(vertexIDs.size, {"names":["ID", "type", "lakeID"], 
                                                  'formats':[self.strType, 'int', self.strType]})

    def singleSourceShortestPaths(self, sourceIndex):

        vertexData = np.zeros(self.vertices.size, dtype={"names":["predecessor", "edge", "cost"], 
                                         'formats':['int', "2int", "double"]})

        queue = np.zeros((self.vertices.size, 2), dtype=np.double)

        #Crucual line!! Commetning this decreases memory usage by 7GB in the parallel part
        queue[:,0] = np.arange(self.vertices.size)

        queue = heapdict(queue)

        print("self in singleSourceShortestPaths", asizeof.asized(self))
        print("queue in singleSourceShortestPaths", asizeof.asized(queue))
        print("vertexData in singleSourceShortestPaths", asizeof.asized(vertexData))

        # do stuff (in my real program Dijkstra's algorithm would follow)
        # I inserted this lines as an ugly version for 'wait()' to
        # give me enough time to measure the memory consumption in 'top'
        for i in range(10000000000):

        return vertexData

    def determineFlowInformation(self):
        print("self in determineFlowInformation", asizeof.asized(self))
        f = lambda i: self.singleSourceShortestPaths(i)
        self.parmap(f, range(30))

    def parmap(self, f, argList):
        Executes f(arg) for arg in argList in parallel
        returns a list of the results in the same order as the 
        arguments, invalid results (None) are ignored
        with sharedmem.MapReduce() as pool:
            results, to_do_list = zip(*pool.map(f, argList))
        return results

    def __make_np_arrays_sharable(self):
        Replaces all numpy array object variables, 
        which should have the same  
        behaviour / properties as the numpy array
        varDict = self.__dict__
        for key, var in varDict.items():
            if type(var) is np.ndarray:
                varDict[key] = sharedmem.copy(var)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    network = RoadNetwork()

    print(asizeof.asized(network, detail=1))
    for key, var in network.__dict__.items():
        print(key, asizeof.asized(var))
