我目前正在为移动和非移动开发html5游戏 .

UI现在用于移动的方式是,当您按住屏幕的右侧时,角色向右移动 . 按住左端,角色向左移动 . 点击屏幕中间进行拍摄,然后向上滑动即可跳转 . 所有这些工作都很好 .

但是,我想把它移到右边的地方,用户也可以点击屏幕进行拍摄,或者通过swipeup跳转 . 例如,在非移动版本中,在按住右箭头键的同时,如果同时按下顶部箭头,则会在向右移动时跳转 . 事件不会相互阻挡 . 但是,通过触摸事件,您似乎一次只能触发一个 . 如果我抱着右侧跑,然后点击,生病停止运行 . 事实上,我也不会射击,所以看起来这两个事件只是相互抵消了 .

我不确定这是否是语义错误,或者如果它不可能,但任何建议/帮助将不胜感激 . 如果用jQuery事件不可能做到这一点,也许有一些创造性的方法我可以通过JS或框架实现这一点?


$(document).on('touchstart', '#game', function(e) {
                        //x coordinate of touch
                        var touchX = e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX;
                    `enter code here`    //what part of the canvas are we touching?
                        var leftSide = touchX <= .10 * width; //left 10% of width
                        var rightSide = touchX >= .90 * width; //right 10% of width
                        if (leftSide || rightSide) {
                            //if they are jumping or shooting they cant do anything but jump unless they are in the air
                            if ((player.currentAction !== 'jumping' || (player.currentAction === 'jumping' && (player.y === groundLocation || !noObstacleCollisions(player))))) {
                                var action;
                                if (leftSide) action = 'moving left';
                                else if (rightSide) action = 'moving right';
                                player.lastAction = action;
                                //dont add duplicate actions, since keyup is constantly called when held down
                                if (!inArray(player.currentActions, action)) {
                    //when tap is released update current actions
                    $(document).on('touchend', '#game', function() {
                        //if we're moving left or right stop when we let go of the key
                        //also make sure we're either on the ground or on a platform when we do that
                        //we dont want to break midair trajectory
                        var movingLeftOrRight = player.vx !== 0;
                        if (movingLeftOrRight && (!noObstacleCollisions(player) || player.y === groundLocation)) {
                            player.action('standing'); //stop player
                        //remove action associated with key
                        if (player.vx > 0) removeFromArray(player.currentActions, 'moving right');
                        if (player.vx < 0) removeFromArray(player.currentActions, 'moving left');
                        if (movingLeftOrRight) player.lastAction = null;
                    //jump up when swiping up
                    $(document).on('swipeup', '#game', function() {
                        if ((player.currentAction !== 'jumping' || (player.currentAction === 'jumping' && (player.y === groundLocation || !noObstacleCollisions(player)))))
                    //fire on middle screen tap (not touchstart to not conflict with jumping)
                    $(document).on('tap', '#game', function(e) {
                        var leftSide = e.pageX <= .10 * width; //left 10% of width
                        var rightSide = e.pageX >= .90 * width; //right 10% of width
                        if (!(leftSide || rightSide)) {
