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我对C很新,并且有关于指针/引用的问题 . 以下示例反映了我的问题:

#include <iostream>

#include "boost/make_shared.hpp"
#include "boost/utility.hpp"

class UsedObjectInterface {
  virtual int data() const = 0;

class UsedObject : public UsedObjectInterface {
  UsedObject() : data_(42) {

  explicit UsedObject(int value) : data_(value) {

  int data() const {
    return data_;

  const int data_;

class BaseClient : private boost::noncopyable {
  virtual const UsedObjectInterface& used_object() const = 0;

class SegmentationFaultClient : public BaseClient {
  // This can't work, since the object is deleted immediately.
  // IMHO only the following two solutions can work:
  // 1. The member attribute is not a reference (not possible with an abstract class, we lose the advantages of polymorphism).
  // 2. The member attribute is a pointer.
  SegmentationFaultClient() : used_object_(UsedObject()) {

  explicit SegmentationFaultClient(const UsedObjectInterface& used_object)
      : used_object_(used_object) {

  const UsedObjectInterface& used_object() const {
    return this->used_object_;

  const UsedObjectInterface& used_object_;

class CorrectClient : public BaseClient {
  CorrectClient() : used_object_(boost::make_shared<UsedObject>()) {

  explicit CorrectClient(const boost::shared_ptr<UsedObjectInterface> used_object)
      : used_object_(used_object) {

  // TODO Is it possible to change this to a const&, so at least the interface
  // is the same as in SegmentationFaultClient? Then the above constructor can
  // be deleted.
  explicit CorrectClient(const UsedObjectInterface& used_object)
      : used_object_(&used_object) {
      // TODO How-to convert a raw pointer to a smart pointer?

  const UsedObjectInterface& used_object() const {
    return *this->used_object_;

  const boost::shared_ptr<UsedObjectInterface> used_object_;

int main() {
  SegmentationFaultClient segfault_client;
  const UsedObjectInterface& a = segfault_client.used_object();
  std::cout << a.data() << std::endl;

  // Correct, but how to make this work with a const& constructor?
  const UsedObject first_object;
  CorrectClient correct_client(first_object);
  const UsedObjectInterface& b = correct_client.used_object();
  std::cout << b.data() << std::endl;

正如评论所说, SegmentationFaultClient 类的实现是完全错误的,因为默认构造函数在堆栈上创建了一个对象,该对象被删除了"immediately" . 因此我提出了使用指针的类 CorrectClient . 我的目标是保持良好的API(没有公共Boost)来自 SegmentationFaultClientconst& 默认构造函数) . 上面的示例确实 not 工作并终止,并出现以下错误:

invalid conversion from 'const UsedObjectInterface*' to 'boost::shared_ptr<UsedObjectInterface>::element_type* {aka UsedObjectInterface*}' [-fpermissive]
 explicit shared_ptr( Y * p ): px( p ), pn() // Y must be complete

所以我的问题是:是否可以将原始指针 * 转换为智能指针?如果是这样,最好的方法是什么?如果您发现我的代码有任何其他问题,请告诉我们!

1 回答

  • 2

    问题是,您正在尝试将 const-pointer 转换为 non-const pointer . 您可以使用 reference 作为参数,而不是 const-reference ,或者您可以执行以下操作

    const boost::shared_ptr<const UsedObjectInterface> used_object_;

    但是, shared_ptr 的默认删除器将是 delete 指针,在您的情况下,未在堆上分配 . 你应该指向 empty-deleter ,或者在这种情况下不要使用 shared_ptr .
