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我有两个矩阵p(500x10000)和h(500x256),我需要在Python中计算相关性 .

在Matlab中,我使用了corr()函数,没有任何问题:myCorrelation = corr(p,h);

在numpy,我试过 np.corrcoef( p, h )

File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/core/shape_base.py", line 234, in vstack
    return _nx.concatenate([atleast_2d(_m) for _m in tup], 0)
ValueError: all the input array dimensions except for the concatenation axis must match exactly

我也试过 np.correlate( p, h )

File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/core/numeric.py", line 975, in correlate
    return multiarray.correlate2(a, v, mode)
ValueError: object too deep for desired array


pw.shape = (500, 10000)
hW.shape = (500, 256)


myCorrelationMatrix, _ = scipy.stats.pearsonr( pw, hW )


myCorrelationMatrix, _ = scipy.stats.pearsonr( pw, hW )
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/scipy/stats/stats.py", line 3019, in pearsonr
    r_num = np.add.reduce(xm * ym)
ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (500,10000) (500,256)


myCorrelationMatrix = corr2_coeff( pw, hW )

其中 corr2_coeff 根据1是:

def corr2_coeff(A,B) :
    # Rowwise mean of input arrays & subtract from input arrays themeselves
    A_mA = A - A.mean(1)[:,None]
    B_mB = B - B.mean(1)[:,None]

    # Sum of squares across rows
    ssA = (A_mA**2).sum(1);
    ssB = (B_mB**2).sum(1);

    # Finally get corr coeff
    return np.dot(A_mA,B_mB.T)/np.sqrt(np.dot(ssA[:,None],ssB[None]))


myCorrelationMatrix, _ = corr2_coeff( powerTraces, hW )
  File "./myScript.py", line 175, in corr2_coeff
    return np.dot(A_mA,B_mB.T)/np.sqrt(np.dot(ssA[:,None],ssB[None]))
ValueError: shapes (500,10000) and (256,500) not aligned: 10000 (dim 1) != 256 (dim 0)


myCorrelationMatrix = corr_coeff( pw, hW )

其中 corr_coeff 根据2是:

def corr_coeff(A,B) :
    # Get number of rows in either A or B
    N = B.shape[0]

    # Store columnw-wise in A and B, as they would be used at few places
    sA = A.sum(0)
    sB = B.sum(0)

    # Basically there are four parts in the formula. We would compute them one-by-one
    p1 = N*np.einsum('ij,ik->kj',A,B)
    p2 = sA*sB[:,None]
    p3 = N*((B**2).sum(0)) - (sB**2)
    p4 = N*((A**2).sum(0)) - (sA**2)

    # Finally compute Pearson Correlation Coefficient as 2D array
    pcorr = ((p1 - p2)/np.sqrt(p4*p3[:,None]))

    # Get the element corresponding to absolute argmax along the columns
#   out = pcorr[np.nanargmax(np.abs(pcorr),axis=0),np.arange(pcorr.shape[1])]

    return pcorr


RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in sqrt
  pcorr = ((p1 - p2)/np.sqrt(p4*p3[:,None]))
RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in divide
  pcorr = ((p1 - p2)/np.sqrt(p4*p3[:,None]))


这不是重复,我已经尝试了你在Computing the correlation coefficient between two multi-dimensional arraysEfficient pairwise correlation for two matrices of features上给出的两种方法,但没有一种方法有效 .

2 回答

  • 0

    在矩阵产品中,相等的尺寸必须在产品“内部”:A [m x n] * B [n x k] . 由于相关性是元素乘积的总和,因此它类似于具有先前归一化的矩阵乘积 . 您可以尝试转置第一个或第二个矩阵 .

  • 1

    您可以将两个数据帧连接成一个数组大小(500,10256),然后在合并的数组和子集上运行np.corrcoef()以查看感兴趣的变量的相关性 .

    它不是很有效,但它会起作用 .
