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我是StackOverflow的新手,这是我在这里的第一个问题 .

我在Convex Hull上解决了一些问题,并且在看到Codechef上的vjudges的答案提交时,我发现他们反复使用以下函数来找出一组点的凸包 .

int n = (int)p.size();
if (n <= 1)
    return p;
sort(p.begin(), p.end());
int cnt = 0;
vector<Pint> q(n * 2);
for (int i = 0; i < n; q[cnt++] = p[i++])
    for (; cnt >= 2 && !cw(q[cnt - 2], q[cnt - 1], p[i]); --cnt)
for (int i = n - 2, t = cnt; i >= 0; q[cnt++] = p[i--])
    for (; cnt > t && !cw(q[cnt - 2], q[cnt - 1], p[i]); --cnt)
q.resize(cnt - 1 - (q[0] == q[1]));
return q;


1 回答

  • 0

    上面的代码使用了与Grahm或Jarvis算法稍微不同的算法 . 它首先通过以相反的顺序应用相同的算法来找到上半壳然后下半壳 . 最后,它结合了两者 .

    输入:平面中的一组P点 . 输出:按顺时针顺序包含CH(P)顶点的列表 .

    1. Sort the points by x-coordinate, resulting in a sequence p1,p2.....pn
     2. Put the points p1 and p2 in a list Lupper, with p1 as the first point
     3. for i from 3 to n
     4.     do Append pi to Lupper
     5.          while length(Lupper)>2 and last three points in Lupper make left turn
     6.               do delete middle of last three points from Lupper


    7. for i from n-2 to 1
     8.     do Append pi to Llower
     9.          while length(Llower)>2 and last three points in Llower make left turn
     10.               do delete middle of last three points from Llower
     11. Remove the first and last point from Llower to avoid duplication of the points where upper and lower hull meet.
     12. Append Llower to Lupper and call the resulting list L
     13. return L

    例如: - points =(0,0),(1,1),(2,5),(8,9),(10,0),(1,-1),(2,-5), (8,-9)



    Final Hull

    算法来源:Mark de Berg的计算几何算法和应用
