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给定数字 current ,找到数组中大于和小于该值的值的数量 .

//sort array for binary search
 int[] digits = Arrays.stream(sc.nextLine()
            .split(" "))

//for duplicate values, find higher index of current.

   while(low <= high){
        int mid = low + (high - low)/2;
        if(digits[mid] > current){
            high = mid - 1;
        }else if (digits[mid] == current){
            startindex = mid;
            high = mid - 1;   
            startindex = mid;
            low = mid +1;

//for duplicate values, find lower index of current.
    int endindex = -1;
    low = 0;
    high = no_digits - 1;

    while(low <= high){
        int mid = low + (high - low)/2;
        if(digits[mid] > current){
            high = mid - 1;
        }else if (digits[mid] == current){
            endindex = mid;
            low = mid + 1;   
            endindex = mid;
            low = mid + 1;

    System.out.println(endindex + "-" + startindex);

    if(digits[0] > current){
        smallest = 0;
        largest = no_digits;
        System.out.println(String.format("Smaller: %d, Greater: %d", smallest, largest));
    } else if (digits[no_digits - 1] < current){
        smallest = no_digits;
        largest = 0;
        System.out.println(String.format("Smaller: %d, Greater: %d", smallest, largest));
    }else {
        smallest = startindex;
        largest = no_digits - endindex - 1;                
        System.out.println(String.format("Smaller: %d, Greater: %d", smallest, largest));



5 8 7 2 4 3 7 9 1 9 - Array of ints.



Smaller: 5, Greater: 3
Smaller: 0, Greater: 10
Smaller: 10, Greater: 0
Smaller: 2, Greater: 7
Smaller: 5, Greater: 5


6-5 //start and end index.
Smaller: 5, Greater: 3
Smaller: 0, Greater: 10
Smaller: 10, Greater: 0
Smaller: 2, Greater: 7
Smaller: 5, Greater: 4

我设法提出上述算法,该算法考虑的值大于或低于数组中的任何值 .

但是,由于我需要在O((N Q)log N)时间内完成上述操作,因此我无法找到解释数组中不存在的值而不迭代数组的解决方案 .

在这种情况下,这将是最后一个测试用例,其值为 6 . 数组中不存在6,但我仍然需要计算高于/低于6的所有值 .

6 回答

  • 0

    二进制搜索算法为数组中不存在的值生成"insertion point" . 你的 startIndexendIndex 会给你第一个"eligible"项目,或者它旁边的项目 . 换句话说,如果您要查找小于 6 的所有值,搜索 endpoints 将产生 5 的索引 .

    请注意,您不需要使用自己的二进制搜索算法:Java为您提供了一个实现 .


  • 2

    EDIT 问题已被编辑,现在它包含一个额外的要求,即算法应该能够快速地进行多个查询,更准确地说:整个运行时应该是 O((N + Q) * log(N)) ,其中 N 是数组的大小, Q 是查询的数量 .

    以下方法仅适用于 Q = 1 .

    我认为没有任何理由不在线性 O(N) 时间内这样做 .

    // get this from scanner
    int number = 5;
    int[] array = {6, 2, 7, 4, 1, 42};
    // the "algorithm"
    int numLessThan = 0;
    int numGreaterThan = 0;
    for (int i: array) {
      if (i < number) numLessThan++;
      if (i > number) numGreaterThan++;
      "Num greater than: " + numGreaterThan + " " +
      "Num less than: " + numLessThan


    Num greater than: 3 Num less than: 3


    long numLessThan = Arrays.stream(array).filter(x -> x < number).count();
    long numGreaterThan = Arrays.stream(array).filter(x -> x > number).count();

    即使它遍历数组两次,它仍然是 O(N) .

  • 2

    因为你无论如何使用 Stream ,并且 map -call也不少,你无论如何都在迭代整个数组 .


    class Counters {
        AtomicInteger smaller = new AtomicInteger(0);
        AtomicInteger larger = new AtomicInteger(0);
        private final int upperLimit;
        private final int lowerLimit;
        public Counters(int up, int down) {
            upperLimit = up;
            lowerLimit = down;
        public void consider(int value) {
            if (value > upperLimit) larger.incrementAndGet();
            if (value < lowerLimit) smaller.incrementAndGet();
        public int getSmaller() { return smaller.get(); }
        public int getLarger() { return larger.get(); }
    Counters c = new Counters(upper, lower);
    // your output here
    System.out.printf("Smaller: %d - Larger: %d", c.getSmaller(), c.getLarger());


    class MatchCounter<T> {
        AtomicInteger count = new AtomicInteger(0);
        private final Predicate<T> match;
        public MatchCounter(Predicate<T> m) { match = m; }
        public void consider(T value) {
            if (m.test(value)) { count.incrementAndGet(); }
        public int getCount() { return count.get(); }
    MatchCounter<Integer> smaller = new MatchCounter<>(i -> i < lower);
    MatchCounter<Integer> larger = new MatchCounter<>(i -> i > upper);
    Consumer<Integer> exec = smaller::consider;
    System.out.printf("Smaller: %d - Larger: %d", smaller.getCount(), larger.getCount());
  • 1

    Arrays,这将在这里派上用场 .

    void stats(int[] a, int sought) {
        a = Arrays.copyOf(a, a.length);
        int index = Arrays.binarySearch(a, sought);
        int smaller, larger;
        if (index < 0) {
            // Not found.
            index = ~index; // Insertion position.
            smaller = index;
            larger = index:
        } else {
            // Found.
            smaller = index;
            while (smaller > 0 && a[smaller] == sought) {
            while (index <= 0 && a[index] == sought) {
        larger = a.length - index;
        int equals = index - smaller;
        System.out.printf("Smaller %d, equal %d, larger %d.%n",
                smaller, equals, larger); 

    如你所见,当找到一个元素时,回路O(N)就足够了,它小于排序O(N log N) .

    更快 - O(log N)而不是O(N)用于该部分 - 如果可以对搜索的二进制搜索 - 0.5并且寻求0.5 .

    void stats(int[] a, int sought) {
        a = Arrays.copyOf(a, a.length);
        for (int i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) {
            a[i] *= 2;
        int smallerI = Arrays.binarySearch(a, 2 * sought - 1);
        int largerI = Arrays.binarySearch(a, 2 * sought + 1);
        int smaller = ~smallerI;
        int larger = a.length - ~largerI;
        int equals = ~largerI - ~smallerI;
        System.out.printf("Smaller %d, equal %d, larger %d.%n",
                smaller, equals, larger); 

    这使用了加倍的整数,其缺点是数组值的有效域减半 .

    在您的情况下,您自己的二进制搜索算法应该选择后一种情况(不加倍),使用隐式 sought + 0.5 ,永远不会找到,寻找插入位置 .

  • 3

    好的,所以在编辑之后你声明你想在同一个数组上运行几个查询,所以准备时间不那么重要了 .

    为此,从数组中构建red-black tree;这将为您提供一个允许在O(log N)中搜索的排序结构 .

    那么你对“较小”计数所做的就是向左移动,直到找到一个值等于或大于下限的节点;算上所有左边的孩子 . 模拟较大的(向右,找到相等或更小,向右计数) .

    如果该项目不在数组中,则无关紧要,因为您正在寻找“等于或大于”的项目,如果6不存在,但是你找到了5,你会从那里算起来 - 只有你在计数中加1 .

  • 1

    You just have to filter and then count occurences. 例如:

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int[] values = {5, 8, 7, 2, 4, 3, 7, 9, 1, 9};
        printCount(values, 7);
        printCount(values, 0);
        printCount(values, 100);
        printCount(values, 3);
        printCount(values, 6);
    private static void printCount(int[] values, int value) {
        long smallerCount = Arrays.stream(values).filter(v -> v < value).count();
        long largerCount  = Arrays.stream(values).filter(v -> v > value).count();
        System.out.println(String.format("Smaller : %d, Larger: %d", smallerCount, largerCount));
