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使用PySCIPOpt使SCIP优化能够在Azure App Service上运行


Question: Given the information below, is this an issue with the installation of PySCIPOpt on Azure? Or issue with the installation of SCIP Optimization Suite on Azure? Is this actually an issue with 32 vs 64? Or are there other unknowns here that prevent this from being possible? How can I intelligently diagnose the root cause? Thank you all in advanced!


目标是部署一个可以通过python及其PySCIPOpt包使用SCIP优化套件解决IP问题的Web应用程序 . 此Web应用程序已成功部署在我的本地计算机上 .


Azure Web App(免费层,Python 3.6.4 x64扩展):操作系统是Windows( echo %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% => x86

SCIP version 4.0.1:( SCIPOptSuite-4.0.1-win32-VS14.exe )安装在本地计算机上,并在 Program Files (x86) 中复制/粘贴文件夹 /SCIPOptSuite 4.0.1 到Azure上的文件夹 D:/home/site/wwwwroot . 通过 .xdt 文件在Azure上更新 PATHSCIPOPTDIR 变量 . 在Kudu调试控制台中测试了 scip.exe ,它似乎适用于Azure .

PySCIPOpt:包含在 requirements.txt 文件( pyscipopt, Cython==0.28.2 )中,用于部署应用程序 . git push中的消息`... pyscipopt在d:\ home \ python364x64 \ lib \ site-packages中...... Cython == 0.28.2在d:\ home \ python364x64 \ lib \ site-packages中

Error message

D:\home\python364x64\lib\site-packages\pyscipopt\__init__.py in <module>

from pyscipopt.scip      import Model 

Django Version: 2.0.4
Exception Type: ImportError
**Exception Value: DLL load failed: %1 is not a valid Win32 application.**
Exception Location: D:\home\python364x64\lib\site-packages\pyscipopt\__init__.py in <module>, line 5
Python Executable:  D:\home\python364x64\python.exe
Python Version: 3.6.4
Python Path:    

1 回答

  • 0

    您似乎使用过时版本的SCIP Opt Suite(4.0.1) . PySCIPOpt仅与最新版本5.0.1兼容 . 我强烈反对您不使用任何软件包的旧版本 .

    你确定你尊重licensing terms of SCIP吗?
