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有没有算法来实现限制省略号的Voronoi图?图表看起来像这里的图片voronoi diagram of ellipses



提前致谢 .

4 回答

  • 1

    这是一个算法,它使用distance transformwatershed算法绘制椭圆的Voronoi图 .

    %# first, define some ellipses (for simplicity, I use 0/90 orientation)
    ellipses = [10,20,5,10;30,10,10,7;40,40,8,3];
    %# put the ellipses into an image (few pixels, therefore pixelated)
    img = false(50);
    for e = 1:size(ellipses,1),img = img | (xx-ellipses(e,1)).^2/ellipses(e,3)^2 + (yy-ellipses(e,2)).^2/ellipses(e,4)^2 <= 1;end

    enter image description here

    %# perform the distance transform
    dt = bwdist(img);

    enter image description here

    %# apply the watershed algorithm. 
    %# ws==0 are the lines for the Voronoi diagram
    ws = watershed(dt);
    %# create a RGB image and display
    %# note: for yellow lines, replace the last
    %# "ws==0" by "zeros(size(ws))", so that you
    %# only put ws into the red and green channel (=yellow)
    rgb = cat(3,ws==0,ws==0,ws==0)); 
    %# add the ellipses into the red channel
    rgb(:,:,1) = rgb(:,:,1) | img;

    enter image description here

  • 6


    (*Generate ellipses*)
    p= Rasterize@Graphics@Table[
                  Disk[RandomReal[10, 2],          (*Rnd position*)
                       RandomReal[{.3, 1.5}, 2]],  (*Rnd radii*)
              RandomReal[Pi]], {i, 10}]            (*Rnd rotation*)
    (*Compute Voronoi*)
    LaplacianGaussianFilter[DistanceTransform[p], 2] // ImageAdjust

    enter image description here

    这不是一个精确的计算,但对于实际应用来说足够公平 .

  • 2

    根据您最近的问题跟踪,我了解到您一直致力于在RGB图像上绘制rasterized椭圆 . 您希望能够指定椭圆的位置,形状和颜色 . 你希望椭圆在边界处是clipped,也是non-overlapping . 现在,您希望以类似于Voronoi图的方式绘制划分空间的线(但使用省略号而不是点) .

    对于这个特殊的问题,如@Jonas所示,解决方案是使用距离变换和分水岭算法 .

    我想我继续我之前的例子,并用Jonas的想法扩展它,以展示整个过程 . 希望你觉得它有用..

    该代码使用calculateEllipse函数计算构成椭圆的点的坐标,以及imoverlay函数,用于将图像的指定像素设置为某种选定的颜色 .

    %# color image (canvas to draw on)
    I = imread('pears.png');
    sz = size(I);
    %# random ellipses
    num = 20;
    centers = bsxfun(@times, rand(num,2), sz([2 1]));   %# center x/y-coords
    radii = bsxfun(@times, rand(num,2), [300 50])+10;   %# major/minor axis length
    angles = rand(num,1) .* 360;                        %# angle of rotation
    ex = cell(num,1);                                   %# vertices x-coords
    ey = cell(num,1);                                   %# vertices y-coords
    %# label image, used to hold rasterized ellipses
    L = zeros(sz(1),sz(2));
    %# randomly place ellipses one-at-a-time, skip if overlaps previous ones
    flag = false(num,1);
    for i=1:num
        %# ellipse we would like to draw directly on image matrix
        [ex{i},ey{i}] = calculateEllipse(centers(i,1),centers(i,2), ...
            radii(i,1),radii(i,2), angles(i), 100);
        %# create mask for image pixels inside the ellipse polygon
        mask = poly2mask(ex{i},ey{i}, sz(1),sz(2));
        %# check if there is no existing overlapping ellipse
        if all( L(mask)==0 )
            %# use the mask to place the ellipse in the label image
            L(mask) = sum(flag)+1;    %# assign value using an increasing counter
            flag(i) = true;
    %# filter ellipses to only those that made through the overlap test
    num = sum(flag);
    centers = centers(flag,:);
    radii = radii(flag,:);
    angles = angles(flag);
    ex = ex(flag);
    ey = ey(flag);
    %# rasterized voroni diagram of the ellipses [Jonas]
    E = (L ~= 0);                             %# ellipses as binary image
    WS = watershed( bwdist(E) );              %# distance transform + watershed
    WS = (WS == 0);                           %# WS==0 corresponds voronoi diagram
    WS = bwmorph(WS, 'thicken',1);            %# thicken the lines
    %# set pixels corresponding to voronoi diagram to white
    II = I;
    II = imoverlay(II, WS, [1 1 1]);          %# you can customize the color here
    %# set pixels corresponding to ellipses using specified colors
    clr = hsv(num);                           %# color of each ellipse
    for i=1:num
        mask = bwperim(L==i,8);               %# get perimeter of the ellipse mask
        mask = bwmorph(mask, 'thicken',1);    %# thicken the ellipse perimeter
        II = imoverlay(II, mask, clr(i,:));   %# set those pixels with RGB color
    %# show final rasterized image (image + ellipses + voronoi diagram)
    figure, imshow(II, 'InitialMagnification',100, 'Border','tight')


  • 0

    我不知道你的“椭圆”是什么意思 . 但是Stephan Fortune / Shane O'Sullivan对C中的voronoi图进行了实现,

