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'Serial'之前';'(Arduino IDE 1.8.7)[暂停]


我的代码会使内部LED以1 Hz的频率闪烁,但前提是光电二极管(引脚4)被拉至高电平(光电二极管为INPUT_PULLUP) .


void setup (){
    // sets pin 13 (LED) as a output
    pinMode (13, OUTPUT);
    // sets pin 4 (photodiode) as input (pull_up)
    pinMode (4, INPUT_PULLUP)
    // starts the serial monitor at 9600 baud
    Serial.begin (9600);

void loop () {
    if (pin4 == HIGH) {
        // prints "Your LED is ready. If the LED blinks, it works properly.
        Serial.println("The photodiode has been pulled to a on state.");
        // blinks the LED with a 1 hz square wave
        digitalWrite (13, HIGH);
        delay (1000);
        digitalWrite (13, LOW);
        delay (1000);
    else {
        digitalWrite (13, LOW)


Serial.begin (9600);

1 回答

  • 0

    有一些 ; 缺失:

    void setup (){
        // sets pin 13 (LED) as a output
        pinMode (13, OUTPUT);
        // sets pin 4 (photodiode) as input (pull_up)
        pinMode (4, INPUT_PULLUP);     // Here a ; is missing
        // starts the serial monitor at 9600 baud
        Serial.begin (9600);
    void loop () {
        if (pin4 == HIGH) {
            // prints "Your LED is ready. If the LED blinks, it works properly.
            Serial.println("The photodiode has been pulled to a on state.");
            // blinks the LED with a 1 hz square wave
            digitalWrite (13, HIGH);
            delay (1000);
            digitalWrite (13, LOW);
            delay (1000);
        else {
            digitalWrite (13, LOW);    // and here another one
