我在C中创建了一个结构 . 它存储有关电影名称,电影ID,电影类型等电影的信息 . 现在我必须使用开关案例1)输入信息2)显示信息3)搜索信息4)电影信息排序5)删除信息6)保存7)出口 . 现在,如果我选择选项1并输入信息 . 它将如何显示用于显示信息的选项菜单 . 并再次显示选项菜单进行排序..... code so for

using namespace std;

struct Movies
int id;
char name[50];
int ranking;
char genre[10];
int business;

int main() 
struct Movies mov[5];
int i, opt;

cout << "Press 1 to Enter movie information" << endl;
cout << "Press 2 to Display movie information" << endl;
cout << "Press 3 to Search movie" << endl;
cout << "Press 4 to Sort movie information" << endl;
cout << "Press 5 to Delete" << endl;
cout << "Press 6 to Save movie information to file" << endl;
cout << "Press 7 to Exit the program" << endl << endl;
cin >> opt;

switch (opt)
    case 1:
        for(i=0; i<5; i++)
            cout << "Enter Movie " << i+1 << " Information " << endl;
            cout << "Enter ID: ";
            cin >> mov[i].id;
            cout << "Enter name: ";
            cin >> mov[i].name;
            cout << "Enter ranking: ";
            cin >> mov[i].ranking;
            cout << "Enter genre: ";
            cin >> mov[i].genre;
            cout << "Enter Business: ";
            cin >> mov[i].business;
            cout << endl;

    case 2:
        for(i=0; i<5; i++)
            cout << "Displaying Movie " << i + 1 <<"Information"<< endl;
            cout << "ID: " << mov[i].id << endl;
            cout << "Name: " << mov[i].name << endl;
            cout << "Ranking: " << mov[i].ranking << endl;
            cout << "Genre: " << mov[i].genre << endl;
            cout << "Business: " << mov[i].business << endl;
            return 0;

    case 3:
