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无法使用firebase CLI部署功能


我在firebase CLI中部署 Cloud 功能时遇到问题 . 我从github克隆了“functions-samples”repo,然后在这个repo的“quickstarts / big-ben”项目中运行了deploy命令 . 我按照说明运行了以下命令:

cd functions
npm install
cd ..
firebase deploy


=== Deploying to 'fire-campus'...

i  deploying functions, hosting
i  functions: ensuring necessary APIs are enabled...
i  runtimeconfig: ensuring necessary APIs are enabled...
+  runtimeconfig: all necessary APIs are enabled
!  functions: missing necessary APIs. Enabling now...
i  functions: waiting for APIs to activate...
i  functions: waiting for APIs to activate...
i  functions: waiting for APIs to activate...
i  functions: waiting for APIs to activate...
i  functions: waiting for APIs to activate...
i  functions: waiting for APIs to activate...
i  functions: waiting for APIs to activate...
i  functions: waiting for APIs to activate...
i  functions: waiting for APIs to activate...
i  functions: waiting for APIs to activate...
i  functions: waiting for APIs to activate...
i  functions: waiting for APIs to activate...
i  functions: waiting for APIs to activate...
i  functions: waiting for APIs to activate...
i  functions: waiting for APIs to activate...
i  functions: waiting for APIs to activate...
i  functions: waiting for APIs to activate...
i  functions: waiting for APIs to activate...
i  functions: waiting for APIs to activate...
i  functions: waiting for APIs to activate...
i  functions: waiting for APIs to activate...
i  functions: waiting for APIs to activate...
i  functions: waiting for APIs to activate...
i  functions: waiting for APIs to activate...
i  functions: waiting for APIs to activate...
i  functions: waiting for APIs to activate...

Error: Timed out waiting for APIs to enable. Please try again in a few minutes.

我在谷歌 Cloud 平台 - Firebase Remote Congig API,Firebase Rules API,Google Cloud RuntimeConfig API中启用了这些API .

我还需要启用什么才能在firebase CLI中激活所需的API?我需要注册谷歌 Cloud 功能吗?我没有在注册表单中要求的付款选项 .

1 回答

  • 2

    两天后问题自动解决了 . 可能这是一个暂时的问题 . 无需在Google Cloud 平台上注册Google Cloud 端功能 . 我猜这个服务与firebase Cloud 功能无关 .
