按照Dialogflow tutorial的步骤,我 Build 了天气预报代理 . 在列表中添加训练短语时,会自动检测词性并将其突出显示为 entities .

我的目标是通过Dialogflow v2 Java SDK重现该行为 .

因此,从Dialogflow v2 samples中创建代理的方式中获取愿望,我编写了一个方法来向Intent训练短语列表添加 List 训练短语 .

public static void addTrainingPhrases(List <String> phrases, String intentDisplayName, String projectId) {

    try {
        IntentsClient ic=IntentsClient.create();

        /*selectIntent(displayName,projectId) is only a method I defined to
           get the intent more easily */
        Intent intent=IntentManagement.selectIntent(intentDisplayName, projectId);

        //Mask to fire only the part to modify
        FieldMask mask=FieldMask.newBuilder().addPaths("training_phrases").build();

        // Build the trainingPhrases from the trainingPhrasesParts
        List<TrainingPhrase> trainingPhrases = new ArrayList<TrainingPhrase>(intent.getTrainingPhrasesList());
        for (String trainingPhrase : phrases) {
        //Build the patch Intent

        //Build the update request
        UpdateIntentRequest request=UpdateIntentRequest.newBuilder()

        //API call to patch the previous Intent
        Intent response=ic.updateIntent(request);
        System.out.format("Intent updated: %s\n", response);

    } catch (NullPointerException e) {
        System.out.println("No intent "+intentDisplayName+" defined in project "+projectId);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        System.out.println("An error has occurred");

这些短语被正确地添加到列表中,但仅仅是字符串短语,即在控制台教程中没有检测到实体 .

我知道一个可能的答案是修改方法,手动传递一个预先构建的Part列表,其中分别设置了 entityTypealias 字段,并带有实体名称和相关参数名称,但它是's not what I' m .

相反,我需要客户的这种努力 .