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我在vba中访问字典中的项目时遇到问题 .


Dim CResults as dictionary


CResults.add currentkey, result

Currentkey 是我自己从一个名为 DCRkey 的类创建的对象

Private loadcase as long
Private csystem as String
Private node as long

result 是来自名为 DCR 的类的另一个对象:

Private Fs as double
Private C1 as double
Private C2 as double


Dim accesskey as DCRKey
accesskey.node = 2000
Sheets("Results").cells(i,1).value= CResults(accesskey).C1

这就是我遇到错误的地方: runtime error 424 object required


Dim testkey as variant
dim i as integer
with worksheet("Test")
    For each testkey in CResults.keys
        if accesskey.loadcase=testkey.loadcase and accesskey.node=testkey.node and accesskey.csystem=testkey.csystem then
            Msgbox "This key is the same as the accesskey"
        End if
End with


  • 我之前搜索的密钥存在于字典中:在工作表上进行目视检查

  • 我之前搜索的密钥确实存在于字典中: "This key is the same as the acceskey" 显示一次

  • for each 循环访问字典中的项目是有效的,因为C1和Fs在工作表上正确显示

然后我想也许是因为 testkey 被定义为变体而不是 DCRKey ,所以我尝试了:

dim a as variant
Set a = currentkey
.Cells(i,1) = CResults(a).C1

但它不起作用,我仍然得到 runtime error 424 .



它返回false并在字典中创建一个新条目(顺便提一下,当它这样做时),使用与acceskey相同的键和一个空项 .

所以我的问题是:为什么使用自定义类型键访问项目在 for each 循环中工作而不是在独立调用中 . 我错过了什么?这段代码与我编写的代码非常相似但不完全相同(为了让您更好地理解) . 如果您认为真正的代码可以提供帮助,请告诉我 . 谢谢你的帮助 .

1 回答

  • 4

    您需要记住,类的两个实例不是同一个,即使它们的所有属性都设置为相同的值 .


    Sub compareSimilarObjects()
        Dim key1 As DCRKey
        Dim key2 As DCRKey
        Set key1 = New DCRKey
        With key1
            .loadcase = 10
            .node = 2000
            .csystem = "Global"
        End With
        Set key2 = New DCRKey
        With key1
            .loadcase = 10
            .node = 2000
            .csystem = "Global"
        End With
        'Debug.Print to check pointer assigne to those variables.
        Debug.Print "Key1: " & ObjPtr(key1)
        Debug.Print "Key2: " & ObjPtr(key2)
    End Sub

    在此示例中, DCRKey 类的两个对象都将所有属性设置为相同的值 . 但是,它们与下面的代码在最后运行 Debug.Prints 之后看到的对象不同 .

    在那些 Debug.Print 使用VBA内置函数 ObjPtr . 此函数的目的是返回指向给定对象的指针 . 对象的每个实例都有自己唯一的指针,因此如果下面的代码打印了两个不同的指针,则表示这些对象不相同 .


    Sub compareSimilarObjects()
        Dim key1 As DCRKey
        Dim key2 As DCRKey
        Set key1 = New DCRKey
        With key1
            .loadcase = 10
            .node = 2000
            .csystem = "Global"
        End With
        Set key2 = key1
        'Debug.Print to check pointer assigned to those variables.
        Debug.Print "Key1: " & ObjPtr(key1)
        Debug.Print "Key2: " & ObjPtr(key2)
        'Now those pointers should be the same.
    End Sub

    在这里,我们将一个新的类 DCRKey 实例分配给变量 key1 ,然后我们将相同的对象分配给变量 key2 . 现在 ObjPtr 应该为 key1key2 返回相同的值,因为这是同一个对象,它只是分配给两个不同的变量 .

    现在,让我们回到词典 .

    The way how dictionary search for the key of Object type is by its pointer.

    因此,如果要在字典中查找添加了对象作为键的条目,则需要使用完全相同的对象(而不是具有相同属性的对象) .


    Sub objectsToDictionaryTest()
        Dim CResults As Dictionary
        Dim accessKey As DCRKey
        Dim key As DCRKey
        Dim value As DCR
        Set CResults = New Scripting.Dictionary
        'Let's create an object of [DCRKey] class (it will be used as a key when adding to
        'the dictionary) and an object of [DCR] class (it will be used as a value).
        Set accessKey = New DCRKey
        With accessKey
            .loadcase = 10
            .node = 2000
            .csystem = "Global"
        End With
        Set value = New DCR
        With value
            .C1 = 10
            .C2 = 20
            .Fs = 3
        End With
        'Now, let's add a new entry to the dictionary [CResults]
        CResults.Add accessKey, value
        'Let's create the other object of [DCRKey] that have exactly the same properties
        'as object assigned to the variable [accessKey].
        Set key = New DCRKey
        With key
            .loadcase = 10
            .node = 2000
            .csystem = "Global"
        End With
        'Now, let's check how dictionary is acting when we try to find an entry by [accesKey] and [key].
        Debug.Print "[accessKey] exists: " & CResults.Exists(accessKey)         'it should return True.
        Debug.Print "[key] exists: " & CResults.Exists(key)                     'it should return False.
        Debug.Print "[Value for accessKey]: " & CResults.Item(accessKey).Fs     'it should print 3
        'The line below should cause an run-time error 424: Object required.
        Debug.Print "[Value for key]: " & CResults.Item(key).Fs
    End Sub
