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强制创建WPF Window的本机Win32句柄


我需要访问我的一些WPF窗口的Win32窗口句柄,以便我可以处理Win32激活消息 . 我知道我可以使用 PresentationSource.FromVisualWindowInteropHelper 来获取Win32窗口句柄,但是如果尚未创建WPF窗口,我遇到了问题 .

如果我使用 PresentationSource.FromVisual 并且尚未创建窗口,则返回的 PresentationSource 为空 . 如果我使用 WindowInteropHelper 并且尚未创建窗口,则 Handle 属性为 IntPtr.Zero (null) .

在尝试访问句柄之前,我尝试在窗口上调用 this.Show()this.Hide() . 然后我可以拿到手柄,但是窗口上的窗口瞬间闪烁(丑陋!) .

有谁知道强制创建WPF窗口的方法?在Windows窗体中,这就像访问 Form.Handle 属性一样简单 .

Edit: 我最终选择了Chris Taylor的答案 . 在这里它是,如果它帮助其他人:

static void InitializeWindow(Window window)
    // Get the current values of the properties we are going to change
    double oldWidth = window.Width;
    double oldHeight = window.Height;
    WindowStyle oldWindowStyle = window.WindowStyle;
    bool oldShowInTaskbar = window.ShowInTaskbar;
    bool oldShowActivated = window.ShowActivated;

    // Change the properties to make the window invisible
    window.Width = 0;
    window.Height = 0;
    window.WindowStyle = WindowStyle.None;
    window.ShowInTaskbar = false;
    window.ShowActivated = false;

    // Make WPF create the window's handle

    // Restore the old values
    window.Width = oldWidth;
    window.Height = oldHeight;
    window.WindowStyle = oldWindowStyle;
    window.ShowInTaskbar = oldShowInTaskbar;
    window.ShowActivated = oldShowActivated;

// Use it like this:

4 回答

  • 1

    一种选择是将窗口状态设置为最小化,而不是在显示窗口之前显示在任务栏中 . 尝试这样的事情 .

    IntPtr hWnd;
      WindowInteropHelper helper = new WindowInteropHelper(wnd);
      WindowState prevState = wnd.WindowState;
      bool prevShowInTaskBar = wnd.ShowInTaskbar;
      wnd.ShowInTaskbar = false;
      wnd.WindowState = WindowState.Minimized;
      hWnd = helper.Handle;
      wnd.ShowInTaskbar = prevShowInTaskBar;
      wnd.WindowState = prevState;
  • 2

    使用WindowInteropHelper.EnsureHandle,它完全符合您的需要 .

  • 3

    如果WindowInteropHelper的句柄为NULL,我正在寻找解决方案 . 希望这篇文章提供了一些如何解决它的其他信息 .


    var window = new Window();
    var handle = new WindowInteropHelper(window).EnsureHandle()

    这仅适用于.NET Framework 4 .

    目前我正在使用.NET Framework 3.5,所以我需要另一种解决方案 . 然后我找到了一个带有WindowInteropHelper扩展方法的论坛帖子:

    using System;
    using System.Reflection;
    using System.Windows;
    using System.Windows.Interop;
    namespace System.Windows.Interop
        /// <summary>
        ///   Provides NetFX 4.0 EnsureHandle method for
        ///   NetFX 3.5 WindowInteropHelper class.
        /// </summary>
        public static class WindowInteropHelperExtension
            /// <summary>
            ///   Creates the HWND of the window if the HWND has not been created yet.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name = "helper">An instance of WindowInteropHelper class.</param>
            /// <returns>An IntPtr that represents the HWND.</returns>
            /// <remarks>
            ///   Use the EnsureHandle method when you want to separate
            ///   window handle (HWND) creation from the
            ///   actual showing of the managed Window.
            /// </remarks>
            public static IntPtr EnsureHandle(this WindowInteropHelper helper)
                if (helper == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("helper");
                if (helper.Handle == IntPtr.Zero)
                    var window = (Window) typeof (WindowInteropHelper).InvokeMember(
                        BindingFlags.GetField |
                        BindingFlags.Instance |
                        null, helper, null);
                    typeof (Window).InvokeMember(
                        BindingFlags.InvokeMethod |
                        BindingFlags.Instance |
                        null, window, null);
                return helper.Handle;

    WindowInteropHelper.EnsureHandle()不期望已经创建了一个窗口 .

    参考:Alexander Yudakov - http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-MY/wpf/thread/5f89ac58-d2ef-4ac0-aefb-b2826dbef48a

  • 19

    我遇到了同样的问题并且使用J Pollack's answer(因为它对我来说似乎更干净),但需要在.NET运行时2.0和4.0上运行的东西 .

    但是当我这样做时,我最终得到了一个丑陋的MissingMethodException因为.NET运行时4.0中不再存在 SafeCreateWindow . 为了使代码在两个运行时都能工作,我决定捕获MissingMethodException并在.NET 4.0运行时调用等效代码,如下所示:

    public static IntPtr EnsureHandle(this WindowInteropHelper helper)
            if (helper == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("helper");
            if (helper.Handle == IntPtr.Zero)
                var window = (Window)typeof(WindowInteropHelper).InvokeMember(
                    BindingFlags.GetField |
                    BindingFlags.Instance |
                    null, helper, null);
                    // SafeCreateWindow only exists in the .NET 2.0 runtime. If we try to
                    // invoke this method on the .NET 4.0 runtime it will result in a
                    // MissingMethodException, see below.
                        BindingFlags.InvokeMethod |
                        BindingFlags.Instance |
                        null, window, null);
                catch (MissingMethodException)
                    // If we ended up here it means we are running on the .NET 4.0 runtime,
                    // where the method we need to call for the handle was renamed/replaced
                    // with CreateSourceWindow.
                        BindingFlags.InvokeMethod |
                        BindingFlags.Instance |
                        null, window, new object[] { false });
            return helper.Handle;

    这允许我使用.NET 3.5编译代码,但是在安装了更高运行时版本的系统(即Windows 8及更高版本)上的.NET运行时4.0上运行它 .
