我正在尝试使用three.js为3d对象设置动画 . 我确实拥有加载在对象几何体中的骨骼结构;每个骨骼都有父,pos,rotq,scl . 此外,几何体还会获得负责蒙皮的skinIndices和skinWeights . 创建动画以尊重结构:

animation: {

    name: "nameOfAnimation",
    length: 1201,
    fps: 0.03,  // fpms actually
    hierarchy: [

    { parent: -1,
    keys: [

    { time: 0,
    pos: [ x, y, z ],
    rot: [ x, y, z, w ],
    scl: [ x, y, z ] },

    { time: 620,
    rot: [ x, y, z, w ] },

    { time: 1201,
     pos: [ x, y, z ],
     rot: [ x, y, z, w ],
     scl: [ x, y, z ] } ] },

    { parent: 0,
     keys: [ ...
     ] }

但是,在设置了所有结构的情况下,对象不会生成动画 .


//setting up geometry with geometry.bones, geometry.skinWeights, geometry.skinIndices
            //setting up animation following the format described above
            skinMaterial = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({skinning: true});
            skinMesh = new THREE.SkinnedMesh(geometry, skinMaterial);
            skinAnimation = new THREE.Animation(skinMesh, animation);
