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我的问题是统计数据和R相关的混合 . 我正在尝试实施Bebber等人的模型 . 2007(使用发现曲线预测未知物种数量)估算我的数据集中未发现物种的总数(通过找到预期的物种总数),以及围绕物种总数预测的置信区间 .

物种总数的估计由E(St)= k(Ntot-Nt-1)给出,其通过拟合Nt-1上的St的glm(具有拟线性误差)来计算,其中St是物种数每年,Nt-1是前一年的累积物种数,k是发现率 . 从glm输出,我使用截距和斜率来计算估计的Ntot:Ntot = -intercept / slope我认为我正在理解如何做到这一点 . 这是一个示例df和我到目前为止使用的代码:

St <- c(3, 1, 6, 6, 2, 4, 2, 2, 3, 2, 4)
Nprev <- c(43, 46, 47, 53, 59, 61, 65, 67, 69, 72, 74)
samp_data <- data.frame(St, Nprev)
mymodel <- glm(samp_data$St ~ samp_data$Nprev, family = quasipoisson())
Ntot <- -1.75918/-0.01019

Here is where I start having trouble understanding what to do. Bebber等人给出了我不完全理解的Ntot置信限制的说明 . 他们说首先定义一个新变量R = Ntot M - Nt-1 . 接下来是使用Poisson误差和没有截距的身份链接为St对抗R的glm .

The first thing I am confused about is where M comes from... 这是第一个glm的色散参数吗?然后他们继续说,"This forces the regression through Ntot + M. The model will give the same residual deviance as the best fit when M is zero, and a larger residual deviance as M diverges from zero. Changes in deviance scaled by the dispersion have an F distribution, allowing calculation of confidence limits."

I am not understanding how to get confidence limits for Ntot from this glm. 我是广义线性模型的新手,所以也许这就是我的问题 . 我希望这里的某些人可以为我阐明这一点 . 可以在此处找到该论文的副本(相关部分在第1652页"The model."下):Bebber paper link


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    # exampel from question
    St <- c(3, 1, 6, 6, 2, 4, 2, 2, 3, 2, 4)
    Nprev <- c(43, 46, 47, 53, 59, 61, 65, 67, 69, 72, 74)
    samp_data <- data.frame(St, Nprev)
    mymodel <- glm(samp_data$St ~ samp_data$Nprev, family = quasipoisson())
    mymodel %>% str()
    Ntot <- -1.75918/-0.01019
    # bootstrap version
    # put the process into a function, to be used in boot()
    calcNtot <- function(data, inds, lhs, rhs){
      f <- as.formula(paste(lhs, " ~ ", rhs))
      # lhs/rhs means left/right hand side of the formula
      model <- glm(f, family = quasipoisson(), data = data, subset = inds)
      Ntot <- -model$coefficients[1]/model$coefficients[2]
    calcNtot(samp_data, 1:nrow(samp_data), "St", "Nprev")
    # it gives the same Ntot as the example
    Ntot_boot <- boot(data = samp_data, calcNtot, 999, lhs = "St", rhs = "Nprev")
    boot.ci(Ntot_boot, type = "basic")
