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我在重复调用转换函数的计算渐变时遇到问题 .

即使损失取决于通过重复转换调用生成的最大值之和所选择的所选动作,也将根据动作计算的梯度为无 . 如果我们将损失函数的值更改为v而不是a的总和,那么我们会收到转换的渐变 .


下面是一大块示例代码,您可以在其中复制问题 .

import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np


# random input
x = tf.Variable(np.random.rand(1, 5))  # [b branches, state_dim]

depth = 3
b = 4
v_list, a_list = [], []  # value and action store
# make value estimates 3 steps into the future by predicting intermediate states
for i in range(depth):
    reuse = True if i > 0 else False
    x = tf.tile(x, [b, 1])  # copy the state to be used for b different actions
    mu = tf.layers.dense(x, ACTION_DIM, name='mu', reuse=reuse)
    action_distribution = tf.distributions.Normal(loc=mu, scale=tf.ones_like(mu))
    a = tf.reshape(action_distribution.sample(1), [-1, ACTION_DIM])
    x_a = tf.concat([x, a], axis=1)  # concatenate action and state
    x = tf.layers.dense(x_a, x.shape[-1], name='transition', reuse=reuse)  # next state s'
    v = tf.layers.dense(x, 1, name='value', reuse=reuse)  # value of s'
    v_list.append(tf.reshape(v, [-1, b ** i]))
    a_list.append(tf.reshape(a, [-1, b ** i]))

# backup our sum of max values along trajectory
sum_v = [None]*depth
sum_v[-1] = v_list[-1]
for i in reversed(range(depth)):
    max_v_i = tf.reduce_max(v_list[i], axis=1)
    if i > 0:
        sum_v[i-1] = tf.reduce_max(v_list[i-1], axis=1) + max_v_i

max_idx = tf.reshape(tf.argmax(sum_v[0]), [-1, 1])
v = tf.gather_nd(v_list[0], max_idx)
a = tf.gather_nd(a_list[0], max_idx)
loss = -tf.reduce_sum(a)
opt = tf.train.AdamOptimizer()
grads = opt.compute_gradients(loss)

1 回答

  • 2

    我认为这个问题源于您在定义 col_idx 时的 arg_max 调用 . Arg_max 是位置参数,因此没有渐变 . 这是有道理的,因为列表中最大值的位置不会随着最大值的变化而变化 .

    我也不相信对 tf.contrib.distributions.Normal 的调用会对其输入变量有衍生物,但仅仅因为它在contrib中 . 如果在修复 arg_max 后问题仍然存在,也许您可以尝试使用默认的tensorflow .
