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std::string expr="((A>0) && (B>5 || C > 10))";

我做了一些研究,似乎如果A,B,C值已知,通过在C程序中嵌入Lua或Python,有 eval 函数可以替换A,B和C并返回 truefalse .

但是当我不知道所有的 Value 时会发生什么?让我们说A是已知的,它是-1 . 如果A为-1,则无论B或C的值如何,公式都将评估为“假” .

我可以在不事先知道所有变量的情况下评估公式吗?例如,如果A为10,则查找B的值并再次重新评估是有意义的 . 我们如何解决这些问题?想法?

12 回答

  • 5


    • 计算一些变量值很昂贵,因此您要避免计算评估表达式所不需要的值;和

    • 您的表达式以字符串形式存在,在运行时组成,因此您可以't use C++'内置短路逻辑 .

    这意味着您需要某种方式在运行时评估表达式,并且如果可能,您希望利用短路逻辑 . Python可能是一个很好的选择,如下面的例子所示 .

    有一个简短的Python脚本( evaluate.py ),它定义了一个 evaluate() 函数,可以从C或C程序中调用它 . evaluate() 函数将尝试计算您给出的表达式(如果需要,将"&&"和"||"转换为"and"和"or") . 如果它需要一个尚未定义的变量,它将通过调用C / C程序中定义的 get_var_value() 函数来检索该变量的值(然后缓存该值以供以后使用) .

    这种方法将使用正常的短路行为,因此它只会请求完成评估表达式所需的变量值 . 请注意,这不会重新排列表达式以选择评估它所需的最小变量集;它只是使用标准的短路行为 .

    更新:我在最后添加了一个示例,它使用.cpp文件中的多行字符串文字定义Python脚本 . 如果您不想在可执行文件中安装单独的evaluate.py文件,这可能很有用 . 它还简化了Python初始化 .

    以下脚本中的C / Python交互基于https://docs.python.org/2/extending/embedding.htmlhttps://docs.python.org/2/c-api/arg.html中的代码 .


    evaluate.py (Python脚本)

    # load embedded_methods module defined by the parent C program
    from embedded_methods import get_var_value
    # define a custom dictionary class that calls get_var_value(key) for any missing keys.
    class var_dict(dict):
        def __missing__(self, var):
            self[var] = val = get_var_value(var)
            return val
    # define a function which can be called by the parent C program
    def evaluate(expr):
        # Create a dictionary to use as a namespace for the evaluation (this version 
        # will automatically request missing variables).
        # Move this line up to the module level to retain values between calls.
        namespace = var_dict()
        # convert C-style Boolean operators to Python-style
        py_expr = expr.replace("||", " or ").replace("&&", " and ").replace("  ", " ")
        print('evaluating expression "{}" as "{}"'.format(expr, py_expr))
        # evaluate the expression, retrieving variable values as needed
        return eval(py_expr, namespace)

    evaluate.c (您的主程序;也可以是evaluate.cpp,用g编译)

    // on Mac, compile with gcc -o evaluate evaluate.c -framework Python
    #include <Python/Python.h>  // Mac
    // #include <Python.h> // non-Mac?
    // retain values of argc and argv for equation evaluation
    int argc;
    char **argv;
       Calculate the value of a named variable; this is called from the Python 
       script to obtain any values needed to evaluate the expression. 
    static PyObject* c_get_var_value(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
        int var_num;
        char *var_name;
        char err_string[100];
        long var_value;
        if(!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s:get_var_value", &var_name)) {
            PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Invalid arguments passed to get_var_value()");
            return NULL;
        // change the code below to define your variable values
        // This version just assumes A, B, C are given by argv[2], argv[3], argv[4], etc.
        printf("looking up value of %s: ", var_name);
        var_num = var_name[0]-'A';
        if (strlen(var_name) != 1 || var_num < 0 || var_num >= argc-2) {
            printf("%s\n", "unknown");
                err_string, sizeof(err_string), 
                "Value requested for unknown variable \"%s\"", var_name
            PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, err_string);
            return NULL;  // will raise exception in Python
        } else {
            var_value = atoi(argv[2+var_num]);
            printf("%ld\n", var_value);
            return Py_BuildValue("l", var_value);
    // list of methods to be added to the "embedded_methods" module
    static PyMethodDef c_methods[] = {
        {"get_var_value", c_get_var_value, METH_VARARGS, // could use METH_O
         "Retrieve the value for the specified variable."},
        {NULL, NULL, 0, NULL} // sentinel for end of list
    int main(int ac, char *av[])
        PyObject *p_module, *p_evaluate, *p_args, *p_result;
        long result;
        const char* expr;
        // cache and evaluate arguments
        argc = ac;
        argv = av;
        if (argc < 2) {
                "Usage: %s \"expr\" A B C ...\n"
                "e.g.,  %s \"((A>0) && (B>5 || C > 10))\" 10 9 -1\n", 
                argv[0], argv[0]
            return 1;
        expr = argv[1];
        // initialize Python
        // Set system path to include the directory where this executable is stored
        // (to find evaluate.py later)
        PySys_SetArgv(argc, argv);
        // attach custom module with get_var_value() function
        Py_InitModule("embedded_methods", c_methods);
        // Load evaluate.py
        p_module = PyImport_ImportModule("evaluate");
        if (PyErr_Occurred()) { PyErr_Print(); }
        if (p_module == NULL) {
            fprintf(stderr, "unable to load evaluate.py\n");
            return 1;
        // get a reference to the evaluate() function
        p_evaluate = PyObject_GetAttrString(p_module, "evaluate");
        if (!(p_evaluate && PyCallable_Check(p_evaluate))) {
            fprintf(stderr, "Cannot retrieve evaluate() function from evaluate.py module\n");
            return 1;
            Call the Python evaluate() function with the expression to be evaluated.
            The evaluate() function will call c_get_var_value() to obtain any
            variable values needed to evaluate the expression. It will use 
            caching and normal logical short-circuiting to reduce the number 
            of requests.
        p_args = Py_BuildValue("(s)", expr);
        p_result = PyObject_CallObject(p_evaluate, p_args);
        if (PyErr_Occurred()) {
            return 1;
        result = PyInt_AsLong(p_result);
        printf("result was %ld\n", result);
        return 0;


    $ evaluate "((A>0) && (B>5 || C > 10))" -1 9 -1
    evaluating expression "((A>0) && (B>5 || C > 10))" as "((A>0) and (B>5 or C > 10))"
    looking up value of A: -1
    result was 0
    $ evaluate "((A>0) && (B>5 || C > 10))" 10 9 -1
    evaluating expression "((A>0) && (B>5 || C > 10))" as "((A>0) and (B>5 or C > 10))"
    looking up value of A: 10
    looking up value of B: 9
    result was 1
    $ evaluate "((A>0) && (B>5 || C > 10))" 10 3 -1
    evaluating expression "((A>0) && (B>5 || C > 10))" as "((A>0) and (B>5 or C > 10))"
    looking up value of A: 10
    looking up value of B: 3
    looking up value of C: -1
    result was 0

    作为替代方案,您可以将所有这些代码组合到一个.cpp文件中,如下所示 . 这使用C 11中的多行字符串文字功能 .

    自足 evaluate.cpp

    // on Mac, compile with g++ evaluate.cpp -o evaluate -std=c++11 -framework Python
    #include <Python/Python.h>  // Mac
    //#include <Python.h> // non-Mac?
       Python script to be run in embedded interpreter.
       This defines an evaluate(expr) function which will interpret an expression
       and return the result. If any variable values are needed, it will call the
       get_var_values(var) function defined in the parent C++ program
    const char* py_script = R"(
    # load embedded_methods module defined by the parent C program
    from embedded_methods import get_var_value
    # define a custom dictionary class that calls get_var_value(key) for any missing keys.
    class var_dict(dict):
        def __missing__(self, var):
            self[var] = val = get_var_value(var)
            return val
    # define a function which can be called by the parent C program
    def evaluate(expr):
        # Create a dictionary to use as a namespace for the evaluation (this version 
        # will automatically request missing variables).
        # Move this line up to the module level to retain values between calls.
        namespace = var_dict()
        # convert C-style Boolean operators to Python-style
        py_expr = expr.replace("||", " or ").replace("&&", " and ").replace("  ", " ")
        print('evaluating expression "{}" as "{}"'.format(expr, py_expr))
        # evaluate the expression, retrieving variable values as needed
        return eval(py_expr, namespace)
    // retain values of argc and argv for equation evaluation
    int argc;
    char **argv;
       Calculate the value of a named variable; this is called from the Python 
       script to obtain any values needed to evaluate the expression. 
    static PyObject* c_get_var_value(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
        int var_num;
        char *var_name;
        char err_string[100];
        long var_value;
        if(!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s:get_var_value", &var_name)) {
            PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Invalid arguments passed to get_var_value()");
            return NULL;
        // change the code below to define your variable values
        // This version just assumes A, B, C are given by argv[2], argv[3], argv[4], etc.
        printf("looking up value of %s: ", var_name);
        var_num = var_name[0]-'A';
        if (strlen(var_name) != 1 || var_num < 0 || var_num >= argc-2) {
            printf("%s\n", "unknown");
                err_string, sizeof(err_string), 
                "Value requested for unknown variable \"%s\"", var_name
            PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, err_string);
            return NULL;  // will raise exception in Python
        } else {
            var_value = atoi(argv[2+var_num]);
            printf("%ld\n", var_value);
            return Py_BuildValue("l", var_value);
    // list of methods to be added to the "embedded_methods" module
    static PyMethodDef c_methods[] = {
        {"get_var_value", c_get_var_value, METH_VARARGS, // could use METH_O
         "Retrieve the value for the specified variable."},
        {NULL, NULL, 0, NULL} // sentinel for end of list
    int main(int ac, char *av[])
        PyObject *p_module, *p_evaluate, *p_args, *p_result;
        long result;
        const char* expr;
        // cache and evaluate arguments
        argc = ac;
        argv = av;
        if (argc < 2) {
                "Usage: %s \"expr\" A B C ...\n"
                "e.g.,  %s \"((A>0) && (B>5 || C > 10))\" 10 9 -1\n", 
                argv[0], argv[0]
            return 1;
        expr = argv[1];
        // initialize Python
        // attach custom module with get_var_value() function
        Py_InitModule("embedded_methods", c_methods);
        // run script to define evalute() function
        if (PyErr_Occurred()) {
            fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", "unable to run Python script");
            return 1;
        // get a reference to the Python evaluate() function (can be reused later)
        // (note: PyRun_SimpleString creates objects in the __main__ module)
        p_module = PyImport_AddModule("__main__");
        p_evaluate = PyObject_GetAttrString(p_module, "evaluate");
        if (!(p_evaluate && PyCallable_Check(p_evaluate))) {
            fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", "Cannot retrieve evaluate() function from __main__ module");
            return 1;
           Call the Python evaluate() function with the expression to be evaluated.
           The evaluate() function will call c_get_var_value() to obtain any
           variable values needed to evaluate the expression. It will use 
           caching and normal logical short-circuiting to reduce the number 
           of requests.
        p_args = Py_BuildValue("(s)", expr);
        p_result = PyObject_CallObject(p_evaluate, p_args);
        if (PyErr_Occurred()) {
            return 1;
        result = PyInt_AsLong(p_result);
        printf("result was %ld\n", result);
        return 0;
  • 4

    我不知道有任何现有的库来处理这个问题 .

    通常的方法是构建表达式树并评估可能的内容 - 类似于编译器中的常量折叠:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constant_folding

    其中一个重要方面是知道变量的允许值,从而知道允许的部分评估,例如, x*0 (和 0*x )是 0 如果 x 是整数或有限浮点数,但如果 x 是IEEE浮点数(因为它可能是Nan或无穷大),或者如果 x 可能是矩阵,则无法求值,因为 [1,1]*0[0,0] 不是标量 0 .

  • 4

    一种方法是将表达式解析为树并评估树 . 将全面评估已知所有变量的Subexpressions . 效果将是简化树 .

    在您的示例中,树的顶部有 && ,有两个子树,左侧是 A>0 的树 . 为了评估树,我们评估左子树,它返回-1,因此我们不需要评估正确的子树,因为运算符是 && . 整棵树评估为假 .

  • 2

    我不明白你想要做什么或理解什么但我对ivan_pozdeev关于 short-circuit evaluationlazy evaluation 没问题 .

    布尔表达式为 from the left to the right ,当结果已知时,评估停止并忽略右侧的内容 .


    E = "(A > 0) and (B > 5 or C > 10)"
    A = -1


    E = "(A > 0) and (B > 5 or C > 10)"
    A = 1

    给出错误“名称'B'未定义” .

  • 0


    if (A>0) {
      B = getB();
      C = getC();
      if (B>23 || C==11)

    即你的表达式必须拆分,以便您只使用已知值 .

  • 4


    class LazyValues():
        def __init__(self):
            self._known_values = {}
        def __getitem__(self, var):
                return self._known_values[var]
            except KeyError:
                print("Evaluating %s..." % var)
                return self._known_values.setdefault(var, eval(var))
    def lazy_eval(expr, lazy_vars):
        for var in lazy_vars:
            expr  = expr.replace(var, "lazy_values['%s']" % var)
            # will look like ((lazy_value['A']>0) && (lazy_value['B']>5 || lazy_value['C'] > 10))
        lazy_values = LazyValues()
        return eval(expr)
    lazy_eval("((A>0) and (B>5 or C > 10))", lazy_vars=['A', 'B', 'C'])
    # Evaluating A...
    # ....
    # NameError: name 'A' is not defined
    A = -1
    lazy_eval("((A>0) and (B>5 or C > 10))", lazy_vars=['A', 'B', 'C'])
    #Evaluating A...
    A = 5
    B = 6
    lazy_eval("((A>0) and (B>5 or C > 10))", lazy_vars=['A', 'B', 'C'])
    # Evaluating A...
    # Evaluating B...
    # True


  • 8

    在我看来答案是肯定的,是的,你可以尝试用缺少的信息来评估表达式 . 您需要定义符号查找失败时会发生什么 .

    在这种情况下,您将需要一个布尔表达式求值程序和一个符号表,以便求值程序可以查找符号来执行表达式 .

    如果您成功查找所有符号,结果将为true或false . 如果您未能查找符号,则处理该情况,可能返回None,nullptr或引发/抛出异常 .

    我相信你可以在你的c程序中嵌入python解释器并调用一个函数来评估表达式,更重要的是,你可以给它用作符号表的dict . 如果调用返回结果,则能够找到足够的符号或结果的快捷方式,否则会引发c代码可以检测到的异常 .

    您可以在python中对函数进行原型设计,如果方法按照您想要的方式工作,则进行评估,然后嵌入 .

    或者您可以使用语法,词法分析器,解析器和电梯在c中完成所有操作 .

  • 4

    虽然这是您的解决方案的一个非常粗略的实现,但它完全适合您的情况,虽然使用了大量的 if else 和异常处理 .

    def main_func():
        def checker(a, b=None, c=None):
            if a is None:
                del a
            if b is None:
                del b
            if c is None:
                del c
            d = eval('a>0 and (b>5 or c>10)')
            return d
        return checker
    def doer(a=None, b=None, c=None):
            return main_func()(a,b,c)
        except NameError as e:
            if "'a' is not" in str(e):
                return 'a'
            elif "'b' is not" in str(e):
                return 'b'
            elif "'c' is not" in str(e):
                return 'c'
    def check_ret(ret):
        return type(ret) == bool
    def actual_evaluator():
        getter = {
            "a": get_a,
            "b": get_b,
            "c": get_c
        args = []
        while True:
            ret = doer(*tuple(args))
            if not check_ret(ret):
                val = getter[ret]()
                return ret
    if __name__ == '__main__':
            print actual_evaluator()

    现在解释我的代码, main_func 返回另一个函数,用于计算字符串中给定的表达式 . 虽然此处字符串已经过硬编码,但您始终可以将其作为参数传递给函数,并将 eval 中的字符串替换为参数 .

    doer 中,调用 main_func 返回的函数,如果抛出 NameError ,则在先前条件为假并且要计算新值的情况下发生,则返回需要计算的特定变量 . 所有这些都在 actual_evaluator 中检查,其中变量的值是通过 getter 中可以定义的函数 get_variable_name 获取的 . 在我的代码中,我必须通过其他方式评估各种变量,以便您可以调用相应的函数 .

  • 4

    由于短路行为,即使没有定义所有包含的值,Python也可以评估表达式(如果可能的话) . 如果没有,它会引发异常:

    In [1]: a= False
    In [3]: a and b
    Out[3]: False
    In [4]: a or b
    NameError: name 'b' is not defined


    In [5]: b and a
    NameError: name 'b' is not defined
  • 4

    我过去曾为此做过“自己动手”的方法 . 简单的事情并不困难;您只需创建自己的对象,实现魔术数学方法并跟踪其他对象 .


  • 4

    我来看看sympy或其他计算机代数系统 . 我相信,对于pxeression和短路评估的代数简化将允许您评估可能获得结果的所有情况 . 在某些情况下,您需要知道某个变量的值 . 例如,如果你有一个像== b这样的简单表达式,那么在不知道a和b的值的情况下你将无法取得进展 . 然而,如(a> = 0)||(a <= 0),代数简化将导致为假,即a不是NAN或其他不等于自身的值 .

  • 5


    • 你有一个逻辑表达式,取决于各种函数的结果;

    • 您多次使用其中某些函数的值(可能在评估此表达式之前,或者可能在此表达式中),因此您希望存储其结果以避免两次调用它们;和

    • 您想要评估逻辑表达式,以及您希望检索和存储以前未运行过的函数的值,但只有足够的值来评估表达式(使用正常的短路行为) .

    我在一个不同的答案中提到,你可能最好只使用C中的内置短路行为 . 要做到这一点并实现目标2,您需要在逻辑表达式中使用函数而不是变量 . 这样,当表达式需要时,您可以触发计算缺失值 .

    以下是两种方法 . 第一个使用通用缓存包装器包装慢速函数 . 第二个定义了一个自定义缓存你的每个慢功能的助手 . 编译完成后,应使用A,B和C值调用其中任何一个进行测试,例如: evaluate_cached 10 9 -1 . 他们都会按照你想要的方式行事 .


    # include <stdio.h>
    # include <stdlib.h>
    # include <unordered_map>
    static char **args;
    // define (slow) functions to calculate each of the needed values
    int A() {
      printf("Calculating value for A\n");
      return atoi(args[1]);
    int B() {
      printf("Calculating value for B\n");
      return atoi(args[2]);
    int C() {
      printf("Calculating value for C\n");
      return atoi(args[3]);
    typedef int (*int_func)(void);
    // wrapper to cache results of other functions
    int cached(int_func func) {
        // Create an unordered_map to hold function results
        static std::unordered_map<int_func, int> results;
        if (results.find(func) == results.end()) {
            // function hasn't been called before; call and cache results
            results[func] = func();
        return results[func];
    int main(int argc, char *argv[])
        if (argc!=4) {
            fprintf(stderr, "%s must be called with 3 values for A, B and C.\n", argv[0]);
            return 1;
        } else {
            args = argv;
        // do the evaluation, with short-circuiting
        if (((cached(A)>0) && (cached(B)>5 || cached(C) > 10))) {
            printf("condition was true\n");
        } else {
            printf("condition was false\n");
        return 0;


    # include <stdio.h>
    # include <stdlib.h>
    static char **args;
    // define (slow) functions to calculate each of the needed values
    int calculate_A() {
      printf("Calculating value for A\n");
      return atoi(args[1]);
    int calculate_B() {
      printf("Calculating value for B\n");
      return atoi(args[2]);
    int calculate_C() {
      printf("Calculating value for C\n");
      return atoi(args[3]);
    // define functions to retrieve values as needed,
    // with caching to avoid double-calculation
    int A() {
      static int val, set=0;
      if (!set) val=calculate_A();
      return val;
    int B() {
      static int val, set=0;
      if (!set) val=calculate_B();
      return val;
    int C() {
      static int val, set=0;
      if (!set) val=calculate_B();
      return val;
    int main(int argc, char *argv[])
        if (argc!=4) {
            fprintf(stderr, "%s must be called with 3 values for A, B and C.\n", argv[0]);
            return 1;
        } else {
            args = argv;
        // do the evaluation, with short-circuiting
        if (((A()>0) && (B()>5 || C() > 10))) {
            printf("condition was true\n");
        } else {
            printf("condition was false\n");
        return 0;
