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为了用键引用一些坐标,我想使用有区别的联合类型,因为它们允许所有种类的有效模式匹配 .


[<CustomEquality; CustomComparison>]
type Coord = 
| Spot of AssetKey
| Vol of AssetKey * DateTime option 
| Rate of Currency                                   

    member this.sortKey = 
        match this with
        | Spot(key)                               -> (0 , key.toString)
        | Vol(key)                                -> (1 , key.toString)
        | Vol(key, Some(t))                       -> (2 , key.toString + t.ToShortString())
        | Rate(cur)                               -> (3 , cur.toString)

    interface IComparable with 
        member this.CompareTo(obj) = 
            match obj with 
            | :? Coord as other -> compare this.sortKey other.sortKey
            | _ -> invalidArg "obj" "not a Coord type"

    override this.Equals(obj) = 
            match obj with 
            | :? Coord as other -> this.sortKey = other.sortKey
            | _ -> false

    override this.GetHashCode() = this.sortKey.GetHashCode()

我需要强制执行特定的排序顺序 . 例如Spot <Vol always . 我用sortKey成员函数强制执行 .


[<StructuralEqualityAttribute; StructuralComparisonAttribute>]
type AssetKey =
| Equity of string
| EquityIndex of string

所以这一切都很好用,但速度很慢 . 据我所知,如果调用sortKey函数,则会再次构建整个键,特别是再次调用toString函数 .

一个明显的改进是添加一个缓存层,这比解决方案更糟糕 .

进一步的优化是在字符串上使用散列键 . 但在这里我还需要添加缓存,因为我需要缓存哈希键,我不想重新计算它 .


match c with 
| Coord.Vol(ak, _) when ak = assetKey -> true
| _ -> false

什么是替代方法,表现良好?在我的一些时间中,sortKey函数中丢失了30%甚至更多的整体性能 .

感谢您的任何建议和改进 .

2 回答

  • 2

    Simple optimization
    您可以轻松做的一个基本优化是,当您只能根据 Coord 的类型做出决定时,可以避免调用 toString . 你可以写下:而不是 Build sortKey

    // Separate functions that return tag and key, so that we don't
    // have to call 'toString' if we can decide based just on the Tag
    member this.Tag = 
        match this with 
        | Spot _ -> 0 | Vol(_, None) -> 1 
        | Vol _ -> 2 | Rate _ -> 3
    member this.Key = 
        match this with 
        | Spot(key) | Vol(key, None) -> key.toString | Rate cur -> cur.toString
        | Vol(key, Some t) -> key.toString + t.ToShortString())  
    interface IComparable with  
        member this.CompareTo(obj) =  
            match obj with  
            | :? Coord as other -> 
                let c = compare this.Tag other.Tag
                // Try comparing based on the tag first - if the tags 
                // are the same, then get Key and compare based on the key
                if c <> 0 then c else compare this.Key other.Key
            | _ -> invalidArg "obj" "not a Coord type"

    如果要缓存 toString 的结果,则需要使用一些允许存储本地字段的结构 . 我可能会使用一个对象类型(表示为类或简单的结构) .

    Wrapping the type
    在这种情况下,您仍然可以使用活动模式获得良好的模式匹配,但它需要为每个类定义一个活动模式(这可能不是那么糟糕) . 这是一个例子:

    // This type will not be used directly - it is an internal implementation
    // hidden from the users that will be accessed using active patterns
    type AssetKeyInternal =       
      | Equity of string       
      | EquityIndex of string  
      override x.ToString() = ...
    // Public type with active patterns for pattern matching
    type AssetKey(key:AssteKeyInternal) = 
      let str = lazy key.ToString() // Lazily cached string
      member x.Key = str.Value      // Evaluated when accessed for the first time
      member x.Value = key // Returns the internal representation
    // Define active patterns working over AssetKey type
    let (|Equity|EquityIndex|) (k:AssetKey) =
      match k.Value with
      | AssetKeyInternal.Equity(e) -> Equity(e)
      | AssetKeyInternal.EquityIndex(e) -> EquityIndex(e)

    给定 AssetKey 类型的值,您现在可以编写 k.Key 来获取缓存的字符串表示形式,并且可以使用活动模式对其进行模式匹配:

    match k with 
    | Equity k -> ...
    | EquityIndex i -> ...
  • 1


    type CoordRepr =
    | Spot of AssetKey 
    | Vol of AssetKey * DateTime option  
    | Rate of Currency              
    let sortKey = function
    | Spot(key) -> 1,key.ToString()
    | Vol(key,None) -> 2,key.ToString()
    | Vol(key,Some(v)) -> 2,key.ToString() + v.ToShortDateString()
    | Rate(key) -> 3,key.ToString()
    type Coord(repr) =
        let sortKey = sortKey repr
        member __.Repr = repr
        member __.SortKey = sortKey
        override __.Equals(that) =
            match that with
            | :? Coord as c -> sortKey = c.SortKey
            | _ -> false
        override __.GetHashCode() = sortKey.GetHashCode()
        interface System.IComparable with
            member __.CompareTo(that) =
                match that with
                | :? Coord as c -> compare sortKey c.SortKey
                | _ -> failwith "invalidArg"
    let Spot k = Coord(Spot k)
    let Vol(k,v) = Coord(Vol(k,v))
    let Rate(k) = Coord(Rate(k))
    let (|Spot|Vol|Rate|) (c:Coord) =
        match c.Repr with
        | Spot k -> Spot k
        | Vol(k,v) -> Vol(k,v)
        | Rate k -> Rate k

    然后使用签名文件隐藏 CoordReprCoord 的构造函数, sortKey 等 .
