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我正在尝试包装两个C类:Cluster和ClusterTree . ClusterTree有一个方法get_current_cluster(),它实例化一个Cluster对象,并返回对它的引用 . ClusterTree拥有Cluster对象,并在C中管理其创建和删除 .

我用cython包装了Cluster,导致了PyCluster .


2)直接传入一个原始C指针(由ClusterTree的get_current_cluster()创建) . 在这种情况下,ClusterTree承担删除基础指针的责任 .

from libcpp cimport bool
from libcpp.vector cimport vector

cdef extern from "../include/Cluster.h" namespace "Terran":
    cdef cppclass Cluster:
        Cluster(vector[vector[double]],vector[int]) except +

cdef class PyCluster:
    cdef Cluster* __thisptr
    __autoDelete = True

    def __cinit__(self, vector[vector[double]] data, vector[int] period):
        self.__thisptr = new Cluster(data, period)  

    def __constructFromRawPointer(self, raw_ptr):
        self.__thisptr = raw_ptr
        self.__autoDelete = False

    def __dealloc__(self):
        if self.__autoDelete:
            del self.__thisptr

cdef extern from "../include/ClusterTree.h" namespace "Terran":
    cdef cppclass ClusterTree:
        ClusterTree(vector[vector[double]],vector[int]) except +
        Cluster& getCurrentCluster()

cdef class PyClusterTree:

    cdef ClusterTree *__thisptr

    def __cinit__(self, vector[vector[double]] data, vector[int] period):
        self.__thisptr = new ClusterTree(data,period)

    def __dealloc__(self):
        del self.__thisptr

    def get_current_cluster(self):

        cdef Cluster* ptr = &(self.__thisptr.getCurrentCluster())
        return PyCluster.__constructFromRawPointer(ptr)


Error compiling Cython file:
    def get_current_cluster(self):
        cdef Cluster* ptr = &(self.__thisptr.getCurrentCluster())
        return PyCluster.__constructFromRawPointer(ptr)

terran.pyx:111:54: Cannot convert 'Cluster *' to Python object

注意我不能cdef __init__或@classmethods .

2 回答

  • 0

    指针只能传递给cdef 'd functions as arguments, and cinit has to be def' d . 但提供一种类方法是 almost 的方法!

    cdef Cluster* __thisptr
    cdef bool __wrapped  ## defaults to False
    cdef PyCluster wrap(Cluster* ptr):
        cdef PyCluster pc = PyCluster([], [])  ## Initialize as cheaply as possible
        del pc.__thisptr  ## delete the old pointer to avoid memory leaks!
        pc.__thisptr = ptr
        pc.__wrapped = True
        return pc
  • 1

    我知道这是一个古老的问题,但在我最近与Cython的斗争后,我想我会为了后代而发布一个答案 .

    在我看来,您可以使用复制构造函数从现有的Cluster对象创建新的PyCluster对象 .

    在C代码中定义复制构造函数,然后使用 new 在Python类定义中调用复制构造函数(在这种情况下,当传递指针时) . 这将起作用,尽管它可能不是最好或最高效的解决方案 .
