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我正在编写的程序是一个Python 3.5石头剪刀游戏,它玩石头剪刀,直到cpu或玩家得到5分 . 我能想到的最好的方法是在一个循环中,但由于一些错误当我的分数变为5时,游戏继续无限地循环并且循环不会中断 . 我会在这里粘贴代码(我希望我的评论很有帮助 . )在此先感谢您的帮助,我知道这非常简单和愚蠢!

#import the "random" library
import random
#Welcome the user and explain the program
print("Welcome to the Rock Paper Scissor game! You will play until you or the computer gets 5 wins!")

#Set constants for rock paper and scissors for the computer's choice
ROCK = 1

#Define the scores for the user and computer and start them as 0
user_score = 0
cpu_score = 0

#Start the loop that runs until the user or computer reaches the score of 5
while user_score != 5  or cpu_score != 5:
    #Gets the choice of the user and stores it in a variable
    choice = input("Please enter your choice- 'r'ock, 'p'aper, or 's'cissors? \n")
    #Prevents the loop from progressing until the user picks a valid command
    while choice != "r" and choice != "p" and choice != "s":
        choice = input("Invalid command: Please enter your choice- 'r'ock, 'p'aper, or 's'cissors? \n")
    #get's a random pick between 1 and 3 for the cpu's choice
    cpu_pick = random.randint(ROCK,SCISSOR)

    #Prints the pick of the user prior to determining the winner so this does not have to be included in every if statement
    if choice == "r":
        print("You pick rock!")
    elif choice == "s":
        print("You pick scissors!")
    elif choice == "p":
        print("You pick paper!")

    #Prints the pick of the cpu prior to determining the winner so this does not have to be included in every if statement
    if cpu_pick == ROCK:
        print("The cpu picks a rock!\n")
    elif cpu_pick == SCISSOR:
        print("The cpu picks scissors!\n")
    elif cpu_pick == PAPER:
        print("The cpu picks paper!\n")

    #Accounts for all cases when the cpu pick is rock and adds to the scores when somebody wins
    if cpu_pick == ROCK and choice == "r":
        print("Tie! New round!")
    elif cpu_pick == ROCK and choice == "s":
        print("CPU wins this round!")
        cpu_score += 1
    elif cpu_pick == ROCK and choice == "p":
        print("You win this round!")
        user_score += 1

    #Accounts for all cases when the cpu pick is Scissors and adds to the scores when somebody wins
    if cpu_pick == SCISSOR and choice == "s":
        print("Tie! New round!")
    elif cpu_pick == SCISSOR and choice == "p":
        print("CPU wins this round!")
        cpu_score += 1
    elif cpu_pick == SCISSOR and choice == "r":
        print("You win this round!")
        user_score += 1

    # Accounts for all cases when the cpu pick is Paper and adds to the scores when somebody wins
    if cpu_pick == PAPER and choice == "p":
        print("Tie! New round!")
    elif cpu_pick == PAPER and choice == "r":
        print("CPU wins this round!")
        cpu_score += 1
    elif cpu_pick == PAPER and choice == "s":
        print("You win this round!")
        user_score += 1

    #Prints the score after each round
    print("Score: \nComputer: %d\nYou: %d" % (cpu_score, user_score))

#when the loop is broken check who won then print the final score and winner
if user_score == 5:
    print("You win by a score of %d to %d!" % (user_score, cpu_score))
elif user_score == 5:
    print("The CPU won bu a score of %d to %d!" % (cpu_score, user_score))

1 回答

  • 1

    while 条件中使用 and 而不是 or

    while user_score != 5 and cpu_score != 5:
