这一定是一个明显而愚蠢的问题......我正在研究用BerryIMU连接的Raspberry Pi 3(9种自由方式) . 我从Accelerometer获得RAW值,但这些值的含义是什么?

(x, y)
(-57, 573)
(-56, 567)
(-64, 571)
(-59, 580)
(-56, 569)
(-30, 579)
(-59, 569)
(-61, 567)
(-34, 575)
(-59, 587)
(-43, 573)
(-74, 579)
(-56, 568)
(-58, 569)

如果我很清楚,那就是x和y的加速度 . 但是我不确定该单位是什么? m /s²? (找不到ozzmaker文档......)而且,这些值是在静止时拍摄的,我不确定这些值 . 我知道有噪声(我应该使用卡尔曼滤波器),为什么每次迭代的值都不相同 . 如果这些值是以m /s²为单位的加速度,我试图计算速度 . 以下是我目前的代码:

import smbus
import time
import math
from LSM9DS0 import *
import datetime
bus = smbus.SMBus(1)

def writeACC(register,value):
    bus.write_byte_data(ACC_ADDRESS, register, value)
    return -1

def readACCx():
    acc_l = bus.read_byte_data(ACC_ADDRESS, OUT_X_L_A)
    acc_h = bus.read_byte_data(ACC_ADDRESS, OUT_X_H_A)
    acc_combined = (acc_l | acc_h <<8)

    return acc_combined  if acc_combined < 32768 else acc_combined - 65536

def readACCy():
    acc_l = bus.read_byte_data(ACC_ADDRESS, OUT_Y_L_A)
    acc_h = bus.read_byte_data(ACC_ADDRESS, OUT_Y_H_A)
    acc_combined = (acc_l | acc_h <<8)

    return acc_combined  if acc_combined < 32768 else acc_combined - 65536

def readACCz():
    acc_l = bus.read_byte_data(ACC_ADDRESS, OUT_Z_L_A)
    acc_h = bus.read_byte_data(ACC_ADDRESS, OUT_Z_H_A)
    acc_combined = (acc_l | acc_h <<8)

    return acc_combined  if acc_combined < 32768 else acc_combined - 65536

def millis():
    current_milli_time = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
    return current_milli_time

#initialise the accelerometer
writeACC(CTRL_REG1_XM, 0b01100111) #z,y,x axis enabled, continuos update,  100Hz data rate
writeACC(CTRL_REG2_XM, 0b00100000) #+/- 16G full scale

velocity = 0.0
prevAcc = 0
prevTime = millis()

while True:
    #Read the accelerometer,gyroscope and magnetometer values
    ACCx = readACCx()
    ACCy = readACCy()
    ACCz = readACCz()

    currTime = millis()

    velocity += (ACCx + prevAcc)  / 2 * (currTime - prevTime) / 1000

    prevAcc = ACCx
    prevTime = currTime

    print("Vx:", velocity)


问题是,当传感器静止时,速度正在增加 .

谢谢你的帮助 .