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我正在使用自上而下的坐标系 .


| c |  R

我从点(b)伸展,将R的高度增加dh . 我简单地计算R的新高度:newh = oldh dh我简单地计算点(0)的新坐标:newy = oldy - dh; newx = oldx

我现在有相同的矩形R,它首先从北绕中心(c)顺时针旋转θ度 . 我从点(b)伸展开来,将R的实际高度增加dh . 我简单地计算R的新高度:newh = oldh dh如何计算点(a)的新坐标?请记住,旋转是围绕中心点 .

1 回答

  • 0

    好的,所以我似乎有工作代码,但我确信我可以做很多改进仍然是为了使它更有效等等 . 我现在也必须处理其他7个调整大小的句柄(这只是顶部 - 中间一个):

    var RADIANS = Math.PI/180;
    var rotated_coords = {x: coords.x, y: coords.y};
    if (shape.rotate) {
      var rads = -shape.rotate*RADIANS;
      var middle = {x: shape.x + shape.w/2, y: shape.y + shape.h/2}; //
    middle of rotation
      var offset = {
        x: middle.x - coords.x,
        y: middle.y - coords.y
      rotated_coords.x = middle.x - (offset.x * Math.cos(rads) - offset.y
    * Math.sin(rads));
      rotated_coords.y = middle.y - (offset.x * Math.sin(rads) + offset.y
    * Math.cos(rads));
    // 1. get centre before resize
    var middle = {
      x: shape.x + shape.w/2,
      y: shape.y + shape.h/2
    // 2. get bottom-middle of rotated shape
    var bottom_middle = {
      x: middle.x - shape.h/2 * sin_th,
      y: middle.y + shape.h/2 * cos_th
    // 3. resize (get difference in height, dh) from bottom-middle point
    var dh = shape.y - rotated_coords.y;
    // 4. get new centre point
    var new_middle = {
      x: bottom_middle.x + (shape.h + dh) / 2 * sin_th,
      y: bottom_middle.y - (shape.h + dh) / 2 * cos_th
    // 5. return to non-rotated top-left point
    shape.x = new_middle.x - shape.w / 2;
    shape.y = new_middle.y - (shape.h + dh) / 2;
    // 6. set our new height
    shape.h += dh;
