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from sympy.parsing.sympy_parser import parse_expr

xs = symbols('x1 x2')
ks = symbols('k1 k2')
strs = ['-k1 * x1**2 + k2 * x2', 'k1 * x1**2 - k2 * x2']
syms = [parse_expr(item) for item in strs]

我想将其转换为向量值函数,接受x值的1D numpy数组,k值的1D numpy数组,返回在这些点处评估的1D numpy数组 . 签名看起来像这样:

import numpy as np
x = np.array([3.5, 1.5])
k = np.array([4, 2])
xdot = my_odes(x, k)

我想要这样的东西的原因是将此功能赋予 scipy.integrate.odeint ,因此它需要快速 .

Attempt 1: subs

当然,我可以在 subs 周围写一个包装器:

def my_odes(x, k):
    all_dict = dict(zip(xs, x))
    all_dict.update(dict(zip(ks, k)))
    return np.array([sym.subs(all_dict) for sym in syms])

但这是超级慢的,特别是对于我的真实系统,它更大,并且运行了很多次 . 我需要将此操作编译为C代码 .

Attempt 2: theano

我可以接近sympy's integration with theano

from sympy.printing.theanocode import theano_function

f = theano_function(xs + ks, syms)

def my_odes(x, k):
    return np.array(f(*np.concatenate([x,k]))))

这会编译每个表达式,但输入和输出的所有打包和解包都会减慢它的速度 . theano_function 返回的函数接受numpy数组作为参数,但每个符号需要一个数组,而不是每个符号一个元素 . 这与 functifyufunctify 的行为相同 . 我不需要广播行为;我需要它将数组的每个元素解释为一个不同的符号 .

Attempt 3: DeferredVector

如果我使用 DeferredVector 我可以创建一个接受numpy数组的函数,但我无法将其编译为C代码或返回一个numpy数组而不自行打包 .

import numpy as np
import sympy as sp
from sympy import DeferredVector

x = sp.DeferredVector('x')
k =  sp.DeferredVector('k')
deferred_syms = [s.subs({'x1':x[0], 'x2':x[1], 'k1':k[0], 'k2':k[1]}) for s in syms]
f = [lambdify([x,k], s) for s in deferred_syms]

def my_odes(x, k):
    return np.array([f_i(x, k) for f_i in f])

使用 DeferredVector 我不需要解压缩输入,但我仍然需要打包输出 . 此外,我可以使用 lambdify ,但 ufuncifytheano_function 版本会消失,因此不会生成快速C代码 .

from sympy.utilities.autowrap import ufuncify
f = [ufuncify([x,k], s) for s in deferred_syms] # error

from sympy.printing.theanocode import theano_function
f = theano_function([x,k], deferred_syms) # error

2 回答

  • 9

    您可以使用sympy功能lambdify . 例如,

    from sympy import symbols, lambdify
    from sympy.parsing.sympy_parser import parse_expr
    import numpy as np
    xs = symbols('x1 x2')
    ks = symbols('k1 k2')
    strs = ['-k1 * x1**2 + k2 * x2', 'k1 * x1**2 - k2 * x2']
    syms = [parse_expr(item) for item in strs]
    # Convert each expression in syms to a function with signature f(x1, x2, k1, k2):
    funcs = [lambdify(xs + ks, f) for f in syms]
    # This is not exactly the same as the `my_odes` in the question.
    # `t` is included so this can be used with `scipy.integrate.odeint`.
    # The value returned by `sym.subs` is wrapped in a call to `float`
    # to ensure that the function returns python floats and not sympy Floats.
    def my_odes(x, t, k):
        all_dict = dict(zip(xs, x))
        all_dict.update(dict(zip(ks, k)))
        return np.array([float(sym.subs(all_dict)) for sym in syms])
    def lambdified_odes(x, t, k):
        x1, x2 = x
        k1, k2 = k
        xdot = [f(x1, x2, k1, k2) for f in funcs]
        return xdot
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        from scipy.integrate import odeint
        k1 = 0.5
        k2 = 1.0
        init = [1.0, 0.0]
        t = np.linspace(0, 1, 6)
        sola = odeint(lambdified_odes, init, t, args=((k1, k2),))
        solb = odeint(my_odes, init, t, args=((k1, k2),))
        print(np.allclose(sola, solb))

    运行脚本时会打印 True .


    In [79]: t = np.linspace(0, 10, 1001)
    In [80]: %timeit sol = odeint(my_odes, init, t, args=((k1, k2),))
    1 loops, best of 3: 239 ms per loop
    In [81]: %timeit sol = odeint(lambdified_odes, init, t, args=((k1, k2),))
    1000 loops, best of 3: 610 µs per loop
  • 1

    我写了a module named JiTCODE,它适合你的问题 . 它需要符号表达式,将它们转换为C代码,围绕它包装Python扩展,编译它,并加载它以用于 scipy.integrate.odescipy.integrate.solve_ivp .


    from jitcode import y, jitcode
    from sympy.parsing.sympy_parser import parse_expr
    from sympy import symbols
    xs = symbols('x1 x2')
    ks = symbols('k1 k2')
    strs = ['-k1 * x1**2 + k2 * x2', 'k1 * x1**2 - k2 * x2']
    syms = [parse_expr(item) for item in strs]
    substitutions = {x_i:y(i) for i,x_i in enumerate(xs)}
    f = [sym.subs(substitutions) for sym in syms]
    ODE = jitcode(f,control_pars=ks)

    然后,您可以使用 ODE ,就像 scipy.integrate.ode 的实例一样 .


    import numpy as np
    x = np.array([3.5, 1.5])
    k = np.array([4, 2])

    请注意,与您的规范不同, k 不作为NumPy数组传递 . 对于大多数ODE应用程序,这应该不相关,因为对控制参数进行硬编码会更有效 .

    最后,请注意,对于这个小例子,由于 scipy.integrate.odescipy.integrate.solve_ivp (也见SciPy Issue #8257this answer of mine)的开销,您可能无法获得最佳性能 . 对于大的微分方程(如你所知),这种开销变得无关紧要 .
