我在MATLAB中使用Camera Calibration工具箱来获取内在的相机参数 . Camera Calibration toolbox


Distortion:            kc = [ -0.37602   0.17432   0.00040   0.00101  0.00000 ] ± [ 0.01253   0.03315   0.00149   0.00174  0.00000 ]


KK = [fc(1) alpha_c*fc(1) cc(1);0 fc(2) cc(2) ; 0 0 1];

%%% Compute the new KK matrix to fit as much data in the image (in order to
%%% accomodate large distortions:
r2_extreme = (nx^2/(4*fc(1)^2) + ny^2/(4*fc(2)^2));
**dist_amount =(1+kc(1)*r2_extreme + kc(2)*r2_extreme^2);**

在我的实验中,失真量约为0.8511 . 但我在matlab代码中注意到了;他们设置 distortion amount to 1 . 将失真量设置为1的任何理由